

c++ Programming Glossary: move

Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array?


isn't able to optimize the branch into a conditional move you can try some hacks if you are willing to sacrifice readability.. ftree vectorize on x64 is able to generate a conditional move. So there is no difference between the sorted and unsorted data.. both are fast. VC 2010 is unable to generate conditional moves for this branch even under Ox . Intel Compiler 11 does something..

What is move semantics?


is move semantics I just finished listening to the Software Engineering.. C 0x now with the exception of one. I still don't get move semantics ... What is it exactly c c faq c 11 move semantics.. get move semantics ... What is it exactly c c faq c 11 move semantics share improve this question I find it easiest..

What is the copy-and-swap idiom?


need to be able to copy construct our resource we need to move construct it as well . Luckily for us this is easy class dumb_array.. . Luckily for us this is easy class dumb_array public ... move constructor dumb_array dumb_array other dumb_array initialize.. this other ... What's going on here Recall the goal of move construction to take the resources from another instance of..

Sizeof array passed as parameter


void foo char a 100 Start at identifier 'a' 'a' is a Move right we find a so we reverse direction looking for the . As..

How to pass parameters correctly?


just reference binding my_class copyOfObj std move obj Move Notice that invoking std move is necessary here because..

Dynamically allocating an array of objects


Destructor Copy Constructor Assignment Operator Move Constructor C 11 Move Assignment C 11 This is because if not.. Copy Constructor Assignment Operator Move Constructor C 11 Move Assignment C 11 This is because if not defined the compiler..

So can unique_ptr be used safely in stl collections?


The underlying question is what is the difference between Move and Copy. I won't jump into technical standardista language.. object or at least one which SHOULD compare equal Move take an object and put it in another location As you said it.. another location As you said it is possible to implement Move in term of Copy create a copy into the new location and discard..

in C++ , what's so special about “_MOVE_H”?


a C file like this #ifndef _MOVE_H #define _MOVE_H class Move int x y public Move int initX 0 int initY 0 x initX y initY.. #ifndef _MOVE_H #define _MOVE_H class Move int x y public Move int initX 0 int initY 0 x initX y initY int getX return x void..

What does T&& (double ampersand) mean in C++11?


r T rvalue references primarily provide for the following Move semantics . A move constructor and move assignment operator.. both invoke the move constructor for f1 and f2 foo f1 foo Move a temporary into f1 temporary becomes empty foo f2 std move.. into f1 temporary becomes empty foo f2 std move f1 Move f1 into f2 f1 is now empty Perfect forwarding . rvalue references..

What's the usual way of controlling frame rate?


object in World object Animate framedelta object Move speed framedelta render You want to look at the time difference..

Are C++ recursive type definitions possible, in particular can I put a vector<T> within the definition of T?


to do was this simplifying it to the bare minimum struct Move int src int dst struct MoveTree Move move std vector MoveTree.. it to the bare minimum struct Move int src int dst struct MoveTree Move move std vector MoveTree variation I must admit that.. bare minimum struct Move int src int dst struct MoveTree Move move std vector MoveTree variation I must admit that I assumed..

When should I use the new keyword in C++?


type delete . Foobar foobar new Foobar delete foobar TODO Move this to the right place. This helps to prevent memory leaks..

How to enforce move semantics when a vector grows?


For more about what's said in the standard read C Move semantics and Exceptions Credit to Bo who hinted that it may..

Workaround for non-deduced context


the why . As I see it I have two options to make it work Move inner outside of outer and make it a class template. I prefer..

Move assignment operator and `if (this != &rhs)`


assignment operator and `if this rhs ` In the assignment operator.. Both work. Both meet all of the requirements of Table 22 MoveAssignable requirements in the C 11 standard. The third also..