

c# Programming Glossary: runas

How do you de-elevate privileges for a child process


proc.StartInfo.UseShellExecute true proc.StartInfo.Verb runas where proc is a System.Diagnostics.Process. But how does one..

Elevating process privilege programatically?


to admin privilege. I also tried setting startInfo.Verb runas it didn't seem to solve the problem. c# .net windows process.. by setting the Verb property of your startInfo object to 'runas' as follows startInfo.Verb runas This will cause Windows to.. your startInfo object to 'runas' as follows startInfo.Verb runas This will cause Windows to behave as if the process has been..

Windows 7 and Vista UAC - Programatically requesting elevation in C#


processInfo new ProcessStartInfo processInfo.Verb runas processInfo.FileName fileName try Process.Start processInfo..

Process.Start with different credentials with UAC on


processInfo new ProcessStartInfo processInfo.Verb runas processInfo.FileName command processInfo.Arguments parameters.. processInfo new ProcessStartInfo processInfo.Verb runas processInfo.FileName Application.ExecutablePath Process.Start..

How to start a Process as administrator mode in C#


6 p.StartInfo.Verb runas Alternatively go the manifest route for your application though..

ServiceController permissions in Windows 7


name Arguments arguments if IsAdministrator info.Verb runas try return Process.Start info catch Win32Exception ex Trace.WriteLine..

Correct way to deal with UAC in C#


info.FileName YOUR EXE info.UseShellExecute true info.Verb runas Provides Run as Administrator info.Arguments YOUR SPECIAL COMMAND..

Start Process with administrator right in C#


just try to use Process p new Process p.StartInfo.Verb runas this works fine if I'm running my program as Administrator but..

How to run another app as administrator on Windows XP


new ProcessStartInfo path args processStartInfo.Verb runas using Process process new Process process.StartInfo processStartInfo.. process.WaitForExit So in fact you need to set runas on ProcessStartInfo.Verb. With the attached manifest this code..

Escape command line arguments in c#


info.UseShellExecute true info.Verb runas Provides Run as Administrator info.Arguments EscapeCommandLineArguments..

Using Redemption (Outlook) with a user other than the logged in user - and getting errors


get an email sent to me see below code . When I change the runas username in Scheduler to someone else and try to access their..

To run cmd as administrator along with command?


true procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow true procStartInfo.Verb runas procStartInfo.Arguments env user Administrator cmd command command.. cmd K dir c To run that command elevated we can use runas.exe just as you were except that we need to escape things a.. we need to escape things a little more. Per the help docs runas any quotes in the command that we pass to runas need to be escaped..