c# Programming Glossary: rulefor
ServiceStack Request DTO design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15927475/servicestack-request-dto-design CreateBooking public CreateBookingValidator RuleFor r r.StartDate .NotEmpty RuleFor r r.ShiftId .GreaterThan 0 RuleFor.. CreateBookingValidator RuleFor r r.StartDate .NotEmpty RuleFor r r.ShiftId .GreaterThan 0 RuleFor r r.Limit .GreaterThan 0.. r r.StartDate .NotEmpty RuleFor r r.ShiftId .GreaterThan 0 RuleFor r r.Limit .GreaterThan 0 Depending on the use case instead..
Class/Model Level Validation (as opposed to Property Level)? (ASP.NET MVC 2.0) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2783865/class-model-level-validation-as-opposed-to-property-level-asp-net-mvc-2-0 AbstractValidator AuthInfo public AuthInfoValidator RuleFor x x.Username .NotEmpty .WithMessage Username is required RuleFor.. x x.Username .NotEmpty .WithMessage Username is required RuleFor x x.Password .NotEmpty .WithMessage Password is required RuleFor.. x x.Password .NotEmpty .WithMessage Password is required RuleFor x x.ConfirmPassword .NotEmpty .WithMessage ConfirmPassword is..
unobtrusive client validation using fluentvalidation and asp.net mvc LessThanOrEqualTo not firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9380010/unobtrusive-client-validation-using-fluentvalidation-and-asp-net-mvc-lessthanore client side validation the second does not any ideas why RuleFor x x.StartDate .LessThanOrEqualTo x x.EndDate.Value .WithLocalizedMessage.. filters CommonRes.Start_Date filters CommonRes.End_Date RuleFor x x.StartDate .GreaterThanOrEqualTo x x.AbsoluteStartDate .LessThanOrEqualTo.. AbstractValidator MyViewModel public MyViewModelValidator RuleFor x x.StartDate .LessThanOrEqualTo x x.DateToCompareAgainst .WithMessage..