c# Programming Glossary: longs
Why is there no overload of Interlocked.Add that accepts Doubles as parameters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1400465/why-is-there-no-overload-of-interlocked-add-that-accepts-doubles-as-parameters non integer types are not supported here. Add for 64bit longs is supported on 64bit platforms. Here's a great article discussing..
Converting a generic list to a CSV string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1890093/converting-a-generic-list-to-a-csv-string to handle not only integers my current plan but strings longs doubles bools etc etc. in the future I guess make it accept..
C# — PInvokeStackImbalance detected on a well documented function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2943883/c-sharp-pinvokestackimbalance-detected-on-a-well-documented-function declaration is wrong. In particular the use of Int64 longs instead of UInt32. Here's some detail from the PInvoke reference..
How to compare SQL timestamp in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4672193/how-to-compare-sql-timestamp-in-net different return false. Convert byte array to long compare longs. Which solution is better Or is there any other solution c#..
C# volatile double http://stackoverflow.com/questions/531759/c-sharp-volatile-double to use Interlocked.Read and Interlocked.Exchange acting on longs in conjunction with BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble and BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits..
Check if datetime instance falls in between other two datetime objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5672862/check-if-datetime-instance-falls-in-between-other-two-datetime-objects Use .Ticks on the DateTime to convert your dates into longs. Then just use a simple if stmt to see if your target date falls..
Instantiating a python class in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/579272/instantiating-a-python-class-in-c-sharp magic methods when appropriate auto promotes integers to longs etc. You can find out more about ObjectOperations by looking..
Why some types do not have literal modifiers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8671427/why-some-types-do-not-have-literal-modifiers step up they are also efficient on a lot of hardware and longs have a range that should satisfy the needs of pretty much anyone.. in shorts in C# . Arithmetic can be done in ints uints longs and ulongs but arithmetic is never done in shorts. Shorts promote.. in C# . Arithmetic can be done in ints uints longs and ulongs but arithmetic is never done in shorts. Shorts promote to int..