

c# Programming Glossary: logs

Conditional Linq Queries


if certain criteria is passed do something like this var logs from log in context.Logs select log if filterBySeverity logs.. from log in context.Logs select log if filterBySeverity logs logs.Where p p.Severity severity if filterByUser logs logs.Where.. log in context.Logs select log if filterBySeverity logs logs.Where p p.Severity severity if filterByUser logs logs.Where..

Why does closing a console that was started with AllocConsole cause my whole application to exit? Can I change this behavior?


signals when the user closes the console logs off or shuts down the system so that the process has an opportunity..

How can I change the file location programmatically?


to be C temp log.txt but this is not good enough. The logs must go to the special folders path Environment.GetFolderPath..

When the same user ID is trying to log in on multiple devices, how do I kill the session on the other device?


to log in to one device at a time. For example user ID abc logs in to their computer. User ID abc now tries to log in from their..

CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed and Validation of viewstate MAC failed


of viewstate MAC failed Monitoring my global exception logs this error seems to be impossible to remove no matter what I..

How to enable assembly bind failure logging (Fusion) in .NET


set value to 1 String LogPath set value to folder for logs e.g. C FusionLog Make sure you include the backslash after the..

Search XDocument using LINQ without knowing the namespace


without knowing the namespace I have a process that logs all SOAP requests and encrypts the sensitive data. I want to..

toast style popup for my application


functionality to that in MSN when one of my friends logs in. Apparently this is know as a toast popup I basically want..

Is there a way in c# to detect a Windows shutdown/logoff and cancel that action (after asking the user)


aren't there. So my idea was to detect when the users logs off or reboots Windows and if I'm in the middle of an upload..

Capture username with log4net


You might also find these links useful http piers7.blogspot.com 2005 12 log4net context problems with aspnet.html Here.. the more modern name for MDC . When log4net logs the value of the object it uses ToString . the Implementation..

How can I resolve a “Provider load failure” for WMI requests?


one or two users that are reporting problems. The debug logs show the WMI code is throwing a Provider load failure exception...

URL Encoding using C#


It sends a POST request to the VB forum software and logs someone in with out setting cookies or anything . Once the user..

Forms Authentication across Sub-Domains


a sub domain instead of the parent domain For example User logs into site1.parent.com and then we need to send them to reporting.parent.com...

How to retain callsite information when wrapping NLog


NLog I have a class that wraps NLog called NLogger . My logs are saved to my database. The thing I'm having a problem with..

Exception Driven Programming in Java [closed]


that In case of an error collects request level data and logs. Can use memory or JDBC for storage. Has a built in web interface..

Turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the <serviceDebug> configuration behavior) on the server


3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs. This is confusing because I am running .NET 4.0. Where do I..

C# https login and download file


is 1 cookie however when i try the first post it never logs in. c# httpwebrequest httpwebresponse share improve this..

What to do when bit mask (flags) enum gets too large


16777216 DescriptionAttribute View Audit Logs ViewAuditLogs 33554432 DescriptionAttribute View Team ViewTeam.. 16777216 DescriptionAttribute View Audit Logs ViewAuditLogs 33554432 DescriptionAttribute View Team ViewTeam 67108864 DescriptionAttribute..

Alternative to “Allow service to interact with desktop”?


and the following error appears inside the Windows Logs Faulting application myapp.exe version time stamp 0x4b8304c3..

How I can set log4net to log my files into different folders each day?


from RollingFileAppender Example of final result somewhere Logs 20100305 Client 104615.0 namespace CustomLogging public class.. file type log4net.Util.PatternString value Logs Client appendToFile value true rollingStyle value Composite..

C#: How to Query for an event log details with a given event id?


for an event under the node Applications and Services Logs Microsoft Windows groupPolicy Operational and event id is 5315.. your going to query events from the new style Windows EventLogs. You will have to use the classes from the System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader..

Accessing Password Protected Network Drives in Windows in C#?


level is not supported. summary Delegation 3 summary Logs on the user. summary param name userName Name of the user. param..

Test run errors with MSTest in VS2010


How do I use a GlobalContext property in a log4net appender name?


configuration file type log4net.Util.PatternString value Logs appdomain_ property LogPathModifier .log However the output..

How to know when was Windows started or shutdown?


Query extremely slow in code but fast in SSMS


backend.example.com Connect Timeout 5 Initial Catalog Logs Persist Security Info True User ID backendAPI Password Redacted.. ada.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout 60 conn.Open Logs.Clear ada.Fill Logs Time out exception for 30 sec limit. here.. 60 conn.Open Logs.Clear ada.Fill Logs Time out exception for 30 sec limit. here is my code I am running..

Monitoring Garbage Collector in C#


param name File value .. Logs Root.All.log param name AppendToFile value true param name MaxSizeRollBackups..