

c# Programming Glossary: l_0010

Generate tail call opcode


ConsoleApplication2.Program Fib int32 int32 L_0010 ret I would've expected to see a tail opcode per the msdn but.. ConsoleApplication2.Program Fib int32 int32 L_0010 ret I still don't see it. I know F# handles tail call well so.. ldarg.0 L_000b add L_000c starg.s acc L_000e starg.s i L_0010 br.s L_0000 Which according to ILSpy is equivalent to this Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilationArgumentCounts..

Does using “new” on a strict allocate it on the heap or stack?


L_000b stsfld valuetype mscorlib System.Guid Test field L_0010 ret .method private hidebysig static void ParameterisedCtorAssignToLocal.. void Test MethodTakingGuid valuetype mscorlib System.Guid L_0010 ret .field private static valuetype mscorlib System.Guid field..

Is the null coalesce operator thread safe?


MainClass _bar L_0007 dup L_0008 brtrue.s L_0010 L_000a pop L_000b newobj instance void mscorlib System.Object.. L_000b newobj instance void mscorlib System.Object .ctor L_0010 stloc.0 L_0011 br.s L_0013 L_0013 ldloc.0 L_0014 ret This effectively..

Is it better to declare a variable inside or outside a loop?


int32 GetEnumerator L_000d stloc.3 L_000e br.s L_002f L_0010 ldloc.3 L_0011 callvirt instance 0 mscorlib System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1.. System.Collections.IEnumerator MoveNext L_0035 brtrue.s L_0010 L_0037 leave.s L_0043 L_0039 ldloc.3 L_003a brfalse.s L_0042.. int32 GetEnumerator L_000d stloc.3 L_000e br.s L_002f L_0010 ldloc.3 L_0011 callvirt instance 0 mscorlib System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator`1..