c# Programming Glossary: l_0003
Generate tail call opcode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15864670/generate-tail-call-opcode 17 0x11 .maxstack 8 L_0000 ldarg.0 L_0001 brtrue.s L_0005 L_0003 ldarg.1 L_0004 ret L_0005 ldarg.0 L_0006 ldc.i4.1 L_0007 sub.. 17 0x11 .maxstack 8 L_0000 ldarg.0 L_0001 brtrue.s L_0005 L_0003 ldarg.1 L_0004 ret L_0005 ldarg.0 L_0006 ldc.i4.1 L_0007 sub.. this IL_0000 ldarg.1 IL_0001 ldarg.0 IL_0002 ldc.i4.1 IL_0003 add IL_0004 tail. Here is the 'tail' opcode IL_0006 callvirt..
Does using “new” on a strict allocate it on the heap or stack? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/203695/does-using-new-on-a-strict-allocate-it-on-the-heap-or-stack 0 valuetype mscorlib System.Guid guid L_0001 ldloca.s guid L_0003 ldstr L_0008 call instance void mscorlib System.Guid .ctor.. 0 valuetype mscorlib System.Guid guid L_0001 ldloca.s guid L_0003 initobj mscorlib System.Guid Removed ToString call L_0017 ret.. 0 valuetype mscorlib System.Guid guid L_0001 ldloca.s guid L_0003 initobj mscorlib System.Guid L_0009 ldloc.0 L_000a call void..
Is it better to declare a variable inside or outside a loop? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8535846/is-it-better-to-declare-a-variable-inside-or-outside-a-loop int32 enumerator L_0000 ldc.i4.0 L_0001 ldc.i4.s 10 L_0003 call class mscorlib System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1.. int32 enumerator L_0000 ldc.i4.0 L_0001 ldc.i4.s 10 L_0003 call class mscorlib System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1..