c# Programming Glossary: doe
How do you set the Content-Type header for an HttpClient request? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10679214/how-do-you-set-the-content-type-header-for-an-httpclient-request relativeAddress req.Content new StringContent name John Doe age 33 Encoding.UTF8 application json c.SendAsync req .ContinueWith..
How to use C# to sanitize input on an html page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/188870/how-to-use-c-sharp-to-sanitize-input-on-an-html-page Code must be C#. For example script src 'bobs.js' John Doe script should become John Doe c# html sanitizing share improve.. script src 'bobs.js' John Doe script should become John Doe c# html sanitizing share improve this question You could..
WPF MVVM: how to bind GridViewColumn to ViewModel-Collection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2643545/wpf-mvvm-how-to-bind-gridviewcolumn-to-viewmodel-collection new ObservableCollection Person new Person Name Doe FirstName John DateOfBirth new DateTime 1981 9 12 new Person..
How to generate getters and setters in Visual Studio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3017/how-to-generate-getters-and-setters-in-visual-studio
Android — How to access data in an ASP.NET database via app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3311681/android-how-to-access-data-in-an-asp-net-database-via-app JSONObject param new JSONObject param.put name John Doe param.put age 47 JSONObject result sendJsonRequest server 80..
method overloading vs optional parameter in C# 4.0 [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3316402/method-overloading-vs-optional-parameter-in-c-sharp-4-0 Note the use of named parameter DoFoo c Hello There John Doe This call takes parameter a value as 10 and parameter b as 23...
C# JSON Serialization of Dictionary into {key:value, …} instead of {key:key, value:value, …} http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4861138/c-sharp-json-serialization-of-dictionary-into-keyvalue-instead-of-keyk String Object result foo bar result Name John Doe result Age 32 MyJsonDictionary String Object address new MyJsonDictionary.. result Console.ReadLine And the result foo bar Name John Doe Age 32 Address __type MyJsonDictionaryOfstringanyType #Json_Dictionary_Test..
LINQ - Full Outer Join http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5489987/linq-full-outer-join following lists ID FirstName 1 John 2 Sue ID LastName 1 Doe 3 Smith Should produce ID FirstName LastName 1 John Doe 2 Sue.. 1 Doe 3 Smith Should produce ID FirstName LastName 1 John Doe 2 Sue 3 Smith I'm new to LINQ so forgive me if I'm being lame.. new List LastName lastNames.Add new LastName ID 1 Name Doe lastNames.Add new LastName ID 3 Name Smith var outerJoin from..
How do I capitalize first letter of first name and last name in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/72831/how-do-i-capitalize-first-letter-of-first-name-and-last-name-in-c text Produces John Doe See also MSDN Link for a detailed description. share improve..
Generating HTML email body in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/886728/generating-html-email-body-in-c-sharp a Stringbuilder to do the following string userName John Doe StringBuilder mailBody new StringBuilder mailBody.AppendFormat..
Convert DataTable to CSV stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/888181/convert-datatable-to-csv-stream Name table.Columns.Add Age table.Rows.Add John Doe 45 table.Rows.Add Jane Doe 35 table.Rows.Add Jack Doe 27 var.. Age table.Rows.Add John Doe 45 table.Rows.Add Jane Doe 35 table.Rows.Add Jack Doe 27 var bytes Encoding.GetEncoding.. John Doe 45 table.Rows.Add Jane Doe 35 table.Rows.Add Jack Doe 27 var bytes Encoding.GetEncoding iso 8859 1 .GetBytes table.ToCSV..