c# Programming Glossary: usersettings
Reading cookie in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11029643/reading-cookie-in-c-sharp studio throws at me. I want the value of a cookie called 'UserSettings' in a string called lang. I'm trying like this string lang Request.Cookies.. lang. I'm trying like this string lang Request.Cookies UserSettings .Value The error it throws is Object reference not set to an.. of the cookie by doing HttpCookie cookie Request.Cookies UserSettings .Value but visual studio doesnt like this at all. What am I..
What ORM for .net should I use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1691575/what-orm-for-net-should-i-use get set autogens Picture BLOB col public virtual List UserSettings Settings get set autogens to many to one public class UserSettings.. Settings get set autogens to many to one public class UserSettings public virtual int Id get private set PK again public virtual..
Reading cookie in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11029643/reading-cookie-in-c-sharp Request.Cookies UserSettings if aCookie null object userSettings aCookie.Value else Cookie not set. To set a cookie HttpCookie..
Custom path of the user.config http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2265271/custom-path-of-the-user-config string CONFIG configuration const string USER_SETTINGS userSettings const string SETTING setting summary Loads the file into memory... 1.0 utf 8 true var config new XElement CONFIG var userSettings new XElement USER_SETTINGS var group new XElement typeof Properties.Settings.. group new XElement typeof Properties.Settings .FullName userSettings.Add group config.Add userSettings doc.Add config doc.Declaration..
C# - How to fix Error: “Could not find schema information for the attribute/element” by creating schema http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5303476/c-sharp-how-to-fix-error-could-not-find-schema-information-for-the-attribute 1 Could not find schema information for the element 'userSettings' Message 6 Could not find schema information for the element.. code configuration configSections sectionGroup name userSettings type System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup System Version requirePermission false sectionGroup configSections userSettings CCP_Utility.Properties.Settings setting name SourceDir serializeAs..