c# Programming Glossary: unimportant
Generics -Open and closed constructed Types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1735035/generics-open-and-closed-constructed-types little table. Just to reiterate this is almost entirely unimportant in day to day use. I'm generally in favour of knowing the correct..
Dependency Inject (DI) “friendly” library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2045904/dependency-inject-di-friendly-library the amount of work a user has to do to create all these unimportant dependencies just to get to the real classes they want to use...
'CompanyName.Foo' is a 'namespace' but is used like a 'type' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2046012/companyname-foo-is-a-namespace-but-is-used-like-a-type see the 116 comments to this article on a minor and rather unimportant aspect of overload resolution Note that I am no longer responding..
reference assignment is atomic so why is Interlocked.Exchange(ref Object, Object) needed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2192124/reference-assignment-is-atomic-so-why-is-interlocked-exchangeref-object-object That will lead to an understanding of why the warning is unimportant in this particular case. The reason that the compiler gives..
Is there any way to close a StreamWriter without closing it's BaseStream? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2666888/is-there-any-way-to-close-a-streamwriter-without-closing-its-basestream myStream CreateStream The contents of this string are unimportant My3rdPartyComponent.ReadFromStream myStream Ideally I'm looking..
How to use Ninject Conventions extension without referencing Assembly (or Types within it) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4019585/how-to-use-ninject-conventions-extension-without-referencing-assembly-or-types according to MSDN . Flow passes through a couple unimportant methods landing in the FindAssemblies method. This method takes..
Is this use of Parallel.ForEach() thread safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5605422/is-this-use-of-parallel-foreach-thread-safe anything inherently wrong with this Notes Output order is unimportant Update Based on feedback I've gotten I've added a manual lock..