

c# Programming Glossary: unix

Difference between “\n” and Environment.NewLine


actually r n . From MSDN A string containing r n for non Unix platforms or a string containing n for Unix platforms. share..

Prevent Lua infinite loop


and memory reasonable on windows there are Job Objects Unix has ulimits relevant Linux resource limitation and then keep..

Getting the path of the home directory in C#?


user under XP c users user under Vista and home user under Unix. I know I can read enviroment variables to find this out but.. string homePath Environment.OSVersion.Platform PlatformID.Unix Environment.OSVersion.Platform PlatformID.MacOSX Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable.. variables is actually very portable to do across Unix and Windows so I'm not sure why the poster wanted to not do..

Parsing unix time in C#


unix time in C# Is there a way to quickly easily parse Unix time in C# I'm brand new at the language so if this is a painfully.. 1 1 0 0 0 DateTimeKind.Utc ... public static DateTime UnixTimeToDateTime string text double seconds double.Parse text CultureInfo.InvariantCulture..

How to convert UNIX timestamp to DateTime and vice versa?


this question Here's what you need public static DateTime UnixTimeStampToDateTime double unixTimeStamp Unix timestamp is seconds.. DateTime UnixTimeStampToDateTime double unixTimeStamp Unix timestamp is seconds past epoch System.DateTime dtDateTime new..

SOAP client in .NET - references or examples?


but note that the server side is implemented in PHP on Unix so proprietary solutions from Microsoft are out of the question..

Is developing in Mono cross-platform?


property such as NewLine to make it independant of Unix's CR and Win32's CRLF same apply for Path Separator for Unix.. CR and Win32's CRLF same apply for Path Separator for Unix ' ' and for Win32 ' '. Serialization is slightly different under..

C# DateTime.Ticks equivalent in Java


calendar.getTime long millis date.getTime Millis since Unix epoch That's the nearest effective equivalent. If you need to..

C# GUI Programming Starting


on Windows however most of my stuff has been in Unix here lately Mostly because of my OS class . I dont know anything..

how to convert C# to C++


C in order convert and run an existing .NET application on Unix. It's also binary compatible meaning that you don't even need..

How to migrate a .NET Windows Service application to Linux using mono?


Use a tool like daemonize to run a program as a Unix daemon and remember to specify mono as the program to be activated...

Unix time conversions in C#


time conversions in C# I am trying to get the GMT in unix time... to a DatTime object I use this public static DateTime UnixTimeStampToDateTime double unixTimeStamp System.DateTime dtDateTime.. I run it the GetGMTInMS 1320249196267 . When I pass it to UnixTimeStampToDateTime I get 11 2 2011 11 53 16 AM Which is fine...

How good/bad is sharepoint programming? [closed]


worth I've been a developer for over 20 years working on Unix and Windows in several different languages and technology. I've..

Calculating Future Epoch Time in C#


method should do the job private static double GetUnixEpoch this DateTime dateTime var unixTime dateTime.ToUniversalTime.. And you can use it as such var unixTime1 DateTime.Now.GetUnixEpoch precisely now var unixTime2 DateTime.Now new TimeSpan 0.. now var unixTime2 DateTime.Now new TimeSpan 0 10 0 .GetUnixEpoch 10 minutes in future Note that you need to deal with all..

Parsing unix time in C#


unix time in C# Is there a way to quickly easily parse Unix time.. there an equivalent to Java's SimpleDateFormat in C# c# unix timestamp share improve this question Simplest way is probably..

Determine Assembly Version during a Post Build Event?


echo Current version is CURRENT_VERSION This uses the unix command line tool sed which you can download from many places..

How can I compare (directory) paths in C#?


paths really should be equal but they aren't stripped in unix so under mono I'd expect other results. Case sensitivity is..

How to convert UNIX timestamp to DateTime and vice versa?


0 0 .ToLocalTime this.Created epoch.AddSeconds value c# unix datetime timestamp share improve this question Here's what.. need public static DateTime UnixTimeStampToDateTime double unixTimeStamp Unix timestamp is seconds past epoch System.DateTime.. DateTime 1970 1 1 0 0 0 0 dtDateTime dtDateTime.AddSeconds unixTimeStamp .ToLocalTime return dtDateTime Or for Java which is..

FtpWebRequest Download File


. Can anyone tell me why I might be getting this error c# unix ftp ftpwebrequest ftpwebresponse share improve this question..

c# Check if an executable exists in the windows path


true and System.IO.File.GetFullPath notepad.exe like unix which cmd should return c windows system32 notepad.exe Is..

how to convert C# to C++


... ... Actually as it is complicated to mix C# and C on unix I am trying to convert C# to C so any help will be very appreciated.. Actually as it is complicated to mix C# and C on unix I am trying to convert C# to C Have you considered Mono It is..

Unix time conversions in C#


time conversions in C# I am trying to get the GMT in unix time. I use the following code public static long GetGMTInMS.. use the following code public static long GetGMTInMS var unixTime DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime new DateTime 1970 1 1 0 0.. new DateTime 1970 1 1 0 0 0 DateTimeKind.Utc return long unixTime.TotalMilliseconds To then convert the unix time back to..

Invalid signature for signing requests to the Flickr API (simulation in console)


url return UrlHelper.Encode signature generator of unix epoch time public static String GetTimestamp int epoch int..