c# Programming Glossary: tweaking
How can I send emails through SSL SMTP with the .NET Framework? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1011245/how-can-i-send-emails-through-ssl-smtp-with-the-net-framework to send email through GMail which also uses SSL 465. Minor tweaking of the code below should work using System.Web.Mail using System..
Why does adding local variables make .NET code slower http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10369421/why-does-adding-local-variables-make-net-code-slower broader warm region that could be vastly improved by hand tweaking what we normally take for granted from the compiler. I sure..
How to convert an Stream into a byte[] in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1080442/how-to-convert-an-stream-into-a-byte-in-c
Why is OfType<> faster than Cast<>? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11430570/why-is-oftype-faster-than-cast is simpler. No is check. Edit Actually after some further tweaking I managed to get Cast to be 50x faster than OfType . Below is..
'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown when there is still plenty of memory free http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1153702/system-outofmemoryexception-was-thrown-when-there-is-still-plenty-of-memory-fr a total ArrayList size of 256mb regardless of what I do tweaking blockSize . private static IRandomGenerator rnd new MersenneTwister..
CrystalReport Load report failed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1184309/crystalreport-load-report-failed You can cause the error to appear sooner by tweaking this registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE CRYSTAL DECISIONS..
How to fill up datagrid with empty rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12890890/how-to-fill-up-datagrid-with-empty-rows example there are still some glitches and it will need tweaking but I think it's a good start. XAML Window x Class WpfApplication11.MainWindow..
Asynchronous Delegates Vs Thread/ThreadPool? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1837962/asynchronous-delegates-vs-thread-threadpool e.g. choosing between foreground and background threads tweaking the thread priority fine grained control over thread execution..
DataGridView keydown event not working in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4284370/datagridview-keydown-event-not-working-in-c-sharp routine attached to it. I have spent way too much time tweaking the standard DataGridView control to handle edit commits the..
Get all 'where' calls using ExpressionVisitor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4515550/get-all-where-calls-using-expressionvisitor Visit expression.Arguments 0 return expression Ive tried tweaking this class heavily to return both where clauses with no success...
WPF Styles/Template inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7070421/wpf-styles-template-inheritance case this gives me obviously my theme is dark And just by tweaking a couple of my theme's attached properties I created this effect..
Is order of parameters for database Command object really important? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7165661/is-order-of-parameters-for-database-command-object-really-important dbcom.Parameters.AddWithValue mp3 wd.Mp3 But after some tweaking this worked condb.Open OleDbCommand dbcom new OleDbCommand UPDATE..
Is there a faster way to scan through a directory recursively in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/724148/is-there-a-faster-way-to-scan-through-a-directory-recursively-in-net this question This implementation which needs a bit of tweaking is 5 10X faster. static List Info RecursiveScan2 string directory..
Are there any Fuzzy Search or String Similarity Functions libraries written for C#? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/83777/are-there-any-fuzzy-search-or-string-similarity-functions-libraries-written-for for what I need. From what I remember it needed a bit of tweaking but nothing that wasn't obvious. share improve this answer..
How do I change the wallpaper programatically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8414635/how-do-i-change-the-wallpaper-programatically to a bmp file using that previous example and a little of tweaking. The Set method works perfectly this way public static void..