c# Programming Glossary: tick
.NET, event every minute (on the minute). Is a timer the best option? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1329900/net-event-every-minute-on-the-minute-is-a-timer-the-best-option use a timer and set its interval to 1000. Then within its tick event I could check the clocks current minute against a variable..
How to get timestamp of tick precision in .NET / C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1416139/how-to-get-timestamp-of-tick-precision-in-net-c to get timestamp of tick precision in .NET C# Up until now I used DateTime.Now for getting.. get the most accurate timestamp possible preferably with tick 100 ns precision. Any ideas Update Apparently StopWatch QueryPerformanceCounter.. from StopWatch.Elapsed.Ticks I used the former assuming 1 tick 100 ns but in this case 1 tick 1 StopWatch.Frequency . So to..
MVVM Light & WPF - Binding Multiple instances of a Window to a ViewModel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16993433/mvvm-light-wpf-binding-multiple-instances-of-a-window-to-a-viewmodel TextBox in a TextBlock inside them. In each window you can tick a CheckBox to update the value in result's textblock in MainWindow..
C# , detect selected text on windows? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1803535/c-sharp-detect-selected-text-on-windows i only found using copy paste and monitoring clipboard to tick the event. so any idea about that thanks you. c# text share..
FileNotFoundException in ApplicationSettingsBase http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3494886/filenotfoundexception-in-applicationsettingsbase base.OnFormClosing e Debug Exceptions tick the Thrown checkbox for CLR exceptions. Run the form and close..
Raise event in high resolution interval/timer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4212611/raise-event-in-high-resolution-interval-timer using c#. For example I want to raise an event every 11 ticks ive heard that tick is the highest possible counter in pc ... I want to raise an event every 11 ticks ive heard that tick is the highest possible counter in pc . I tried timer and found.. or face serious problems. I started a delegate every 10 50 ticks to increase a label display. A normal thread switch that occurs..
DateTime vs DateTimeOffset http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4331189/datetime-vs-datetimeoffset of timezones but you can express offsets down to the tick So in these situations make sure you understand how to either..
C# Can I display images in a list box? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/472897/c-sharp-can-i-display-images-in-a-list-box box I have a list of users and I want to display a green tick next to some of the names is this possible Thanks c# winforms..
RNGCryptoServiceProvider - Random Number Review http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4892588/rngcryptoserviceprovider-random-number-review snippet rng int.php Would this be preferred over using a tick count seed such as Random rand new Random Environment.TickCount.. time if the method is called several times during the same tick meaning that it will go on to return the same supposedly random..
VS2010 does not show unhandled exception message in a WinForms Application on a 64-bit version of Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4933958/vs2010-does-not-show-unhandled-exception-message-in-a-winforms-application-on-a 32 bit code. Other possible workarounds Debug Exceptions tick the Thrown box for CLR exceptions. Write try catch in the Load..
WPF inactivity and activity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4963135/wpf-inactivity-and-activity built in Windows functionality . We simply have a timer tick ever 1 second to check if the idle time is greater than the..
Parsing SQL code in C# [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/589096/parsing-sql-code-in-c-sharp like that check it out on MSDN. And it's all on Ballmers tick There is also one on The Code Project SQL Parser . Good luck...
Is there a better way in C# to round a DateTime to the nearest 5 seconds? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/766626/is-there-a-better-way-in-c-sharp-to-round-a-datetime-to-the-nearest-5-seconds the nearest 5 seconds by rounding to the nearest 50000000 tick interval like this DateTime now DateTime.Now DateTime rounded..
Attempted to read or write protected memory. When I call showDialog method of openfileDialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8428574/attempted-to-read-or-write-protected-memory-when-i-call-showdialog-method-of-op that causes this. Start with Project Properties Debug tab tick the Enable unmanaged code debugging option. You'll now see the..
C#: is calling an event handler explicitly really “a good thing to do”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/984270/c-is-calling-an-event-handler-explicitly-really-a-good-thing-to-do on having an EventHandler method to handle your timer tick and your button click then call it something other than button_Click..
VSTO Add-ins, COMAddIns and RequestComAddInAutomationService http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10875278/vsto-add-ins-comaddins-and-requestcomaddinautomationservice Visual Studio and open as Administrator open the project. Tick Register for Com interop and it compiles successfully and it..
Rotate Flot Tick Labels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12204191/rotate-flot-tick-labels Flot Tick Labels I'm attempting to rotate the dates on the bottom of.. but it doesn't seem to work correctly. xaxis rotateTicks 110 mode time timeformat m d minTickSize 7 day ticks cpudatearray.. xaxis rotateTicks 110 mode time timeformat m d minTickSize 7 day ticks cpudatearray The end result is not correct it..
Does the System.Windows.Forms.Timer run on a different thread than the UI? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5694469/does-the-system-windows-forms-timer-run-on-a-different-thread-than-the-ui call onto another thread. When you use this timer use the Tick event to perform a polling operation or to display a splash.. to true and the Interval property is greater than zero the Tick event is raised at intervals based on the Interval property..
How to use timer for update time after 5 min in registry http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5882627/how-to-use-timer-for-update-time-after-5-min-in-registry set its Interval to 5 60 1000 milliseconds handle its Tick event and use the Registry class. share improve this answer..
Events - naming convention and style http://stackoverflow.com/questions/724085/events-naming-convention-and-style Metronome metronome new Metronome wires up the metronome_Tick method to the EventHandler delegate Listener listener new Listener.. Listener listener new Listener metronome metronome.OnTick public class Metronome a delegate so every time Tick is called.. public class Metronome a delegate so every time Tick is called the runtime calls another method in this case Listener.metronome_Tick..
Good way of firing an event at a particular time of day? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/725917/good-way-of-firing-an-event-at-a-particular-time-of-day up read all the times and start timers off that will Tick at the appropriate time Start a timer off that'll check every..
Do .NET Timers Run Asynchronously? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/729137/do-net-timers-run-asynchronously does that timer run asynchronously and the resulting Tick event join the main thread or would I need to start my own thread..