

c# Programming Glossary: throws

C# okay with comparing value types to null


be null. Especially since this assignment definitely throws a compiler error Int32 x null Is it possible that x could become..

Does using “new” on a strict allocate it on the heap or stack?


the value of guid won't be visible if the Guid constructor throws an exception which is why the C# compiler is able to reuse the..

Bidirectional 1 to 1 Dictionary in C#


record containing first. If first is not in the dictionary throws an Exception. summary param name first the key of the record.. containing second. If second is not in the dictionary throws an Exception. summary param name second the key of the record..

difference between throw and throw new Exception()


a message c# share improve this question throw rethrows the original exception and preserves its original stack trace... exception and preserves its original stack trace. throw ex throws the original exception but resets the stack trace destroying..

Cannot delete directory with Directory.Delete(path, true)


recursive ... I'm not surprised that the method sometimes throws but I'm surprised to get this particular message when recursive..

Puzzling Enumerable.Cast InvalidCastException


Enumerable.Cast InvalidCastException The following throws an InvalidCastException . IEnumerable int list new List int.. to do this int i 1 object o i long l long o This code throws the InvalidCastException you're getting. If you try to cast..

Casting vs using the 'as' keyword in the CLR


there's a bug then casting is the right solution. That throws an exception immediately which means that no more work is done..

Comparing object properties in c#


null null if both are null don't try to compare throws exception else if sourceType.GetProperty pi.Name .GetValue..

The entity cannot be constructed in a LINQ to Entities query


categoryID select new Product Name p.Name The code below throws the following error The entity or complex type Shop.Product..

What is the best workaround for the WCF client `using` block issue?


when Dispose is called the client's Close method fires but throws an error because it's in a faulted state. The original exception..

Calling null on a class vs Dispose()


called even if the code in the body of the using statement throws an exception. It doesn't mean that the object is garbage collected..

LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression


it enters into the second foreach var page in pages it throws an exception saying LINQ to Entities does not recognize the..

Retrieving Property name from lambda expression


return the PropertyInfo object for the expression. It throws an exception if the expression is not a property. public PropertyInfo..

How can I strip HTML tags from a string in ASP.NET?


Why catch and rethrow Exception in C#?


sane and reasonable to a noob but that try catch throw throws a WtfException... Isn't this exactly equivalent to not handling..

How can I ensure that a division of integers is always rounded up?


say that our operation has this specification operation throws if divisor is zero operation throws if dividend is int.minval.. operation throws if divisor is zero operation throws if dividend is int.minval and divisor is 1 if there is no remainder..

C# How can I check if a URL exists/is valid?


downloaded string s1 client.DownloadString http google.com throws 404 string s2 client.DownloadString http google.com silly You..

Problem with converting int to string in Linq to entities


contacts select new ListItem Value c.ContactId.ToString Throws exception ToString is not supported in linq to entities. Text..

Python: Inflate and Deflate implementations


'zlib' 2 4 or zlib.compress uncompressed_string 2 4 # Throws away 2 byte zlib header and the 4 byte checksum. # Version using..

Direct casting vs 'as' operator?


be preferred c# casting share improve this question Throws InvalidCastException if o is not a string . Otherwise assigns..

TransactionScope automatically escalating to MSDTC on some machines?


connection.CreateCommand prep the command connection.Open Throws MSDTC on SERVER is unavailable on some... gets here on only..

Bidirectional 1 to 1 Dictionary in C#


methods summary Tries to add the pair to the dictionary. Throws an exception if either element is already in the dictionary.. summary Find the TSecond corresponding to the TFirst first Throws an exception if first is not in the dictionary. summary param.. summary Find the TFirst corresponing to the Second second. Throws an exception if second is not in the dictionary. summary param..

Get output parameter value in ADO.NET


by name outputIdParam.Value cmd.Parameters @ID .Value Throws FormatException int idFromString int.Parse outputIdParam.Value.ToString.. int idFromString int.Parse outputIdParam.Value.ToString Throws InvalidCastException int idFromCast int outputIdParam.Value..

What Happens In C# If A Finally Block Throws An Exception?


Happens In C# If A Finally Block Throws An Exception Just curious about this If a finally block throws..

Named Pipe Server throws UnauthorizedAccessException when creating a seccond instance if PipeSecurity is set


4028 4028 ps using NamedPipeServerStream pipeServer2 v Throws the execption but if you comment this out and run the EXE twice..

Checking if a type supports an implicit or explicit type conversion to another type with .NET


static bool CanConvert Type fromType Type toType try Throws an exception if there is no conversion from fromType to toType..

How to split a large file into chunks in c#?


StreamFile fileName This is where I convert the file Throws a System out of memory exception. I'm looking for a way to read..

A field initializer cannot reference the non-static field, method, or property?


Dinner dinner repo.GetDinner 5 Other Code This Throws error A field initializer cannot reference the non static field..