

c# Programming Glossary: this.width

Transparent window layer that is click-through and always stays on top


a margin the whole form marg.Left 0 marg.Top 0 marg.Right this.Width marg.Bottom this.Height Expand the Aero Glass Effect Border.. device.Transform.Projection Matrix.OrthoOffCenterLH 0 this.Width this.Height 0 0 1 device.BeginScene Place your rendering logic..

Antialiased text on transparent bitmap


PaintEventArgs e base.OnPaint e Bitmap bitmap new Bitmap this.Width this.Height Graphics g Graphics.FromImage bitmap g.Clear Color.Empty..

C# vertical label in a winform


Bitmap img new Bitmap this.Height this.Width Graphics G Graphics.FromImage img G.Clear this.BackColor SolidBrush..

heart shaped picturebox


new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath path.AddBezier this.Width 1 this.Height 2 this.Width 1.25f 0f this.Width this.Height.. path.AddBezier this.Width 1 this.Height 2 this.Width 1.25f 0f this.Width this.Height 0.75f this.Width 1 this.Height.. this.Width 1 this.Height 2 this.Width 1.25f 0f this.Width this.Height 0.75f this.Width 1 this.Height path.AddBezier..

How do I draw transparent DirectX content in a transparent window?


to be made transparent. marg.Left 0 marg.Top 0 marg.Right this.Width marg.Bottom this.Height DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea this.Handle..

C#: Overriding OnPaint on ProgressBar not working?


on its parent form. Replace Bounds with new Rectangle 0 0 this.Width this.Height and you should see your Hello . share improve this..

Irregular shaped Windows Form (C#)


Image this.FormBorderStyle FormBorderStyle.None this.Width this.BackgroundImage.Width this.Height this.BackgroundImage.Height..

Show a winform over the notification area


int left workingArea.Width this.Width int top workingArea.Height this.Height this.Location new Point..

Move images in C#


pictureBox1.Location new Point x 25 y if x this.Width timer1.Stop public Form1 InitializeComponent timer1.Interval..

How to make my Windows Form app snap to screen edges?


this.Right this.Left scn.WorkingArea.Right this.Width if DoSnap scn.WorkingArea.Bottom this.Bottom this.Top scn.WorkingArea.Bottom..

Winforms: Making a control transparent


Graphics g e.Graphics Rectangle bounds new Rectangle 0 0 this.Width 1 this.Height 1 Color frmColor this.Parent.BackColor Brush bckColor..

Show a child form in the centre of Parent form in C#


I do the foll ` Point p new Point this.ParentForm.Width 2 this.Width 2 this.ParentForm.Height 2 this.Height 2 this.Location p But..