c# Programming Glossary: tcs.task
Retry a task multiple times based on user input in case of an exception in task http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10490307/retry-a-task-multiple-times-based-on-user-input-in-case-of-an-exception-in-task delay tcs else tcs.SetResult _original.Result return tcs.Task The StartNewDelayed function comes from the ParallelExtensionsExtras.. tcs.SetResult response.KeyChar 'y' return tcs.Task private static Task T RetryAsk T Func T func int retryCount.. 1 tcs else tcs.SetResult _original.Result return tcs.Task With all the continuations you can see why an async version..
General purpose FromEvent method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12865848/general-purpose-fromevent-method object obj.OnCompletion tcs.SetResult null return tcs.Task This then allows await FromEvent new MyClass The problem is.. eventInfo.AddEventHandler obj dEmitted return tcs.Task What IL could I possibly emit that would allow me to set the.. dEmitted eventInfo.AddEventHandler obj dEmitted return tcs.Task This code will work for almost all events that return void..
How to put a task to sleep (or delay) in C# 4.0? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15341962/how-to-put-a-task-to-sleep-or-delay-in-c-sharp-4-0
Perform screen-scape of Webbrowser control in thread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18675606/perform-screen-scape-of-webbrowser-control-in-thread ApartmentState.STA thread.Start return tcs.Task private static Bitmap TakeSnapshot WebBrowser browser browser.Width..
Correct way to delay the start of a Task http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4990602/correct-way-to-delay-the-start-of-a-task tcs.TrySetCanceled timer.Change dueTimeMs 1 return tcs.Task private static Task GetPreCanceledTask var source new TaskCompletionSource..