c# Programming Glossary: sz
ReverseString, a C# interview-question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1009689/reversestring-a-c-sharp-interview-question on large strings. public string ReverseString string sz string result string.Empty for int i sz.Length 1 i 0 i result.. string sz string result string.Empty for int i sz.Length 1 i 0 i result sz i return result I couldn't spot it... result string.Empty for int i sz.Length 1 i 0 i result sz i return result I couldn't spot it. I saw no problems whatsoever...
How to get screenshot to include the invoking window (on XP) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10233055/how-to-get-screenshot-to-include-the-invoking-window-on-xp private void button1_Click object sender EventArgs e Size sz Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size IntPtr hDesk GetDesktopWindow.. hSrce IntPtr hBmp CreateCompatibleBitmap hSrce sz.Width sz.Height IntPtr hOldBmp SelectObject hDest hBmp bool.. hSrce IntPtr hBmp CreateCompatibleBitmap hSrce sz.Width sz.Height IntPtr hOldBmp SelectObject hDest hBmp bool b BitBlt..
C#: Test if string is a guid without throwing exceptions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/104850/c-test-if-string-is-a-guid-without-throwing-exceptions into the original class identifier. summary param name sz String that represents the class identifier param param name.. true public static extern int CLSIDFromString string sz out Guid clsid Bottom line If you need to check if a string..
Capture screenshot Including Semitransparent windows in .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3072349/capture-screenshot-including-semitransparent-windows-in-net private void button1_Click object sender EventArgs e Size sz Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Size IntPtr hDesk GetDesktopWindow.. hSrce IntPtr hBmp CreateCompatibleBitmap hSrce sz.Width sz.Height IntPtr hOldBmp SelectObject hDest hBmp bool.. hSrce IntPtr hBmp CreateCompatibleBitmap hSrce sz.Width sz.Height IntPtr hOldBmp SelectObject hDest hBmp bool b BitBlt..
How to rotate Text in GDI+? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4421381/how-to-rotate-text-in-gdi question String theString 45 Degree Rotated Text SizeF sz e.Graphics.VisibleClipBounds.Size Offset the coordinate system.. center of the desired area. e.Graphics.TranslateTransform sz.Width 2 sz.Height 2 Rotate the Graphics object. e.Graphics.RotateTransform.. the desired area. e.Graphics.TranslateTransform sz.Width 2 sz.Height 2 Rotate the Graphics object. e.Graphics.RotateTransform..
c#, Rotated text align http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4460258/c-rotated-text-align SizeF txt e.Graphics.MeasureString Text this.Font SizeF sz e.Graphics.VisibleClipBounds.Size 90 degrees e.Graphics.TranslateTransform.. 90 degrees e.Graphics.TranslateTransform sz.Width 0 e.Graphics.RotateTransform 90 e.Graphics.DrawString.. Text this.Font Brushes.Black new RectangleF 0 0 sz.Height sz.Width format e.Graphics.ResetTransform 180 degrees..
WPF - Auto Line Number for FlowDocument? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6073644/wpf-auto-line-number-for-flowdocument the margins summary public Size PageSizeUsed get Size sz CurrentFixedDocument.DocumentPaginator.PageSize sz.Width 2.. Size sz CurrentFixedDocument.DocumentPaginator.PageSize sz.Width 2 _marginX sz.Height 2 _marginY return sz #endregion.. sz.Width 2 _marginX sz.Height 2 _marginY return sz #endregion Properties #region..
When to use ref and when it is not necessary in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/635915/when-to-use-ref-and-when-it-is-not-necessary-in-c-sharp UdpPort_msg EndPoint remoteEP tmpIpEndPoint int sz soUdp_msg.ReceiveFrom received_s ref remoteEP It confuses me..
Embedding unmanaged dll into a managed C# dll http://stackoverflow.com/questions/666799/embedding-unmanaged-dll-into-a-managed-c-sharp-dll try using Stream outFile File.Create dllPath const int sz 4096 byte buf new byte sz while true int nRead stm.Read buf.. File.Create dllPath const int sz 4096 byte buf new byte sz while true int nRead stm.Read buf 0 sz if nRead 1 break outFile.Write.. byte buf new byte sz while true int nRead stm.Read buf 0 sz if nRead 1 break outFile.Write buf 0 nRead catch This may happen..