c# Programming Glossary: s_ok
How can I tell that a directory is the recycle bin in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1585295/how-can-i-tell-that-a-directory-is-the-recycle-bin-in-c No folder avaialable virtual folder else if hr HRESULT.S_OK string RecycleBinPath Marshal.PtrToStringUni ptrRecycleBinPath.. of COM invocations enum HRESULT uint S_FALSE 0x0001 S_OK 0x0000 E_FAIL 0x80004005 E_INVALIDARG 0x80070057 E_OUTOFMEMORY..
How to apply Windows group policy using .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2266797/how-to-apply-windows-group-policy-using-net SUCCEEDED hr MessageBox NULL L Failed to initialize GPO L S_OK if RegCreateKeyEx hKey subKey 0 NULL REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE.. SUCCEEDED hr MessageBox NULL L Failed to initialize GPO L S_OK CoUninitialize return false if pGPO OpenLocalMachineGPO GPO_OPEN_LOAD_REGISTRY.. false if pGPO OpenLocalMachineGPO GPO_OPEN_LOAD_REGISTRY S_OK MessageBox NULL L Failed to get the GPO mapping L S_OK CoUninitialize..
Shell Icon Overlay (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/843506/shell-icon-overlay-c to the other handlers. The first handler that returns S_OK determines whether the icon is shown or not. share improve..