

c# Programming Glossary: system.threading.thread

Thread Control.Invoke


false In Form_Load Function Like this _Thread new System.Threading.Thread new System.Threading.ThreadStart ShowAllFly _Thread.Start _Thread.Priority.. Function Like this _Thread new System.Threading.Thread new System.Threading.ThreadStart ShowAllFly _Thread.Start _Thread.Priority System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Normal.. ShowAllFly _Thread.Start _Thread.Priority System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Normal But When I run it in ShowAllFly function cbFly.Items.Clear..

How might I create and use a WebBrowser control on a worker thread?


www.cnn.com foreach string strWebSite in lststrWebSites System.Threading.ThreadStart objThreadStart delegate Bitmap bmpScreen GenerateScreenshot.. strWebSite .png System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png new System.Threading.Thread objThreadStart .Start The GenerateScreenShot function implementation..

C# - Exception messages in English?


message ExceptionLogger el new ExceptionLogger ex System.Threading.Thread t new System.Threading.Thread el.DoLog t.CurrentUICulture new.. el new ExceptionLogger ex System.Threading.Thread t new System.Threading.Thread el.DoLog t.CurrentUICulture new System.Globalization.CultureInfo..

Attaching to a child process automatically in Visual Studio during Debugging


True DTE.Solution.SolutionBuild.Debug Dim trd As System.Threading.Thread New System.Threading.Thread AddressOf AttachToEhExtHost trd.Start.. Dim trd As System.Threading.Thread New System.Threading.Thread AddressOf AttachToEhExtHost trd.Start End Sub Public Sub AttachToEhExtHost..

C# : How to set test TCP connection timeout?


I try to test TCP connection with the following code. System.Threading.Thread t new System.Threading.Thread using TcpClient client new.. with the following code. System.Threading.Thread t new System.Threading.Thread using TcpClient client new TcpClient client.Connect ip..

Cross-thread operation not valid [duplicate]


it was created on. But... How can I make this workable System.Threading.Thread t new System.Threading.Thread do really hard work and then..... How can I make this workable System.Threading.Thread t new System.Threading.Thread do really hard work and then... listView1.Items.Add lots of..

Play two sounds simultaneusly


you can distinguish the two sounds playing simultaneously System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 500 var p2 new System.Windows.Media.MediaPlayer p2.Open.. of pointless since the playback doesn't block anyway new System.Threading.Thread var c new System.Windows.Media.MediaPlayer c.Open new System.Uri.. new System.Uri @ C windows media tada.wav c.Play .Start System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 500 new System.Threading.Thread var c new System.Windows.Media.MediaPlayer..

Directshow filter access threading


private readonly System.Threading.Thread _mainThread System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread private readonly.. private readonly System.Threading.Thread _mainThread System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread private readonly object _invokeLocker new object.. Members public bool InvokeRequired get return System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId this._mainThread.ManagedThreadId..

Why does StandardOutput.Read() block when StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput is set to true?


Output CharacterInt myProcess.StandardOutput.Read System.Threading.Thread.Yield ThreadExited true snip 2 private void InitializeProcess.. ThreadExited true ExitThread true while ThreadExited System.Threading.Thread.Sleep 1000 ThreadExited false ExitThread false myProcess new.. false myProcess.Start ReadThreadThread new System.Threading.Thread ReadThread ReadThreadThread.Start private System.Threading.Thread..