c# Programming Glossary: styleindex
How to export a JQgrid data to Excel using c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13954966/how-to-export-a-jqgrid-data-to-excel-using-c iRow for var iCol 0 iCol colunmModels.Count iCol var styleIndex colunmModels iCol .IsRotatedHeader UInt32Value uint OutputCellFormat.TextHeaderRotated.. iCol .Header DataType CellValues.InlineString StyleIndex styleIndex CellReference GetCellReference iRow uint iCol return r.. RowIndex iRow for var iCol 0 iCol data.Count iCol var styleIndex uint OutputCellFormat.Text 1 if colunmModels null iCol colunmModels.Count..
OpenXML SDK having borders for cell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15791732/openxml-sdk-having-borders-for-cell CellFormat GetCellFormat WorkbookPart workbookPart uint styleIndex return workbookPart.WorkbookStylesPart.Stylesheet.Elements CellFormats.. CellFormats .First .Elements CellFormat .ElementAt int styleIndex public uint InsertCellFormat WorkbookPart workbookPart CellFormat..
How to export a JQgrid data to Excel using c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13954966/how-to-export-a-jqgrid-data-to-excel-using-c iCol .Header DataType CellValues.InlineString StyleIndex styleIndex CellReference GetCellReference iRow uint iCol .. iRow uint iCol return r private static UInt32Value GetStyleIndexFromColumnModel ColumnModel colunmModel switch colunmModel.Type.. colunmModels null iCol colunmModels.Count styleIndex GetStyleIndexFromColumnModel colunmModels iCol switch colunmModels iCol .Type..
OpenXML SDK having borders for cell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15791732/openxml-sdk-having-borders-for-cell and then point the index of that CellFormat to the StyleIndex on the cell. This is how the cell will know what styles to apply.. cell GetCell workSheetPart B2 CellFormat cellFormat cell.StyleIndex null GetCellFormat workbookPart cell.StyleIndex .CloneNode true.. cell.StyleIndex null GetCellFormat workbookPart cell.StyleIndex .CloneNode true as CellFormat new CellFormat cellFormat.FillId..
Applying % number format to a cell value using OpenXMl http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7872116/applying-number-format-to-a-cell-value-using-openxml which refers to the above Finally set your Cell's StyleIndex to the ID of your CellFormat which uses the NumberFormat. WHEW..