c# Programming Glossary: showdialog
“Dialogs must be user-initiated.” with SaveFileDialog in Silverlight 3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1355078/dialogs-must-be-user-initiated-with-savefiledialog-in-silverlight-3 JPG Files .jpg All Files . bool dialogResult dialog.ShowDialog if dialogResult true using Stream fs Stream dialog.OpenFile.. the error Dialogs must be user initiated. when invoking ShowDialog method in the above code. What could i be missing here How to..
The best approach to create new window in WPF using MVVM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2108949/the-best-approach-to-create-new-window-in-wpf-using-mvvm ShowWindow wnd new ShowWindow anyKindOfData bool res wnd.ShowDialog if res null res.Value ... store changes if neecssary If.. interface of the command. Comman in turn will raise ShowDialogEvent will manage button state. This approach will be more suitable.. can't show dialog so MainWindowViewModel will only raise ShowDialogEvent the MainWindowView we will need to add event handler in..
What's the difference between Application.Run() and Form.ShowDialog()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2314514/whats-the-difference-between-application-run-and-form-showdialog the difference between Application.Run and Form.ShowDialog In my application I want to show a login form first and then.. I'm doing it something like this var A new LoginForm if A.ShowDialog DialogResult.OK Application.Run new MainForm But then I started.. point of the Application.Run Why not just do new MainForm .ShowDialog as well What's the difference And what would be the correct..
Closing a form and then call another one http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2751076/closing-a-form-and-then-call-another-one EventArgs e this.Close Form2 form2 new Form2 form2.ShowDialog Or adding the this.Close after form2.ShowDialog also doesn't.. form2.ShowDialog Or adding the this.Close after form2.ShowDialog also doesn't work. Any hints EDIT Might aswell add that by adding.. Might aswell add that by adding this.Close after form2.ShowDialog it close only when I close the new form. If I choose form2.Show..
Embedding a DOS console in a windows form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/355724/embedding-a-dos-console-in-a-windows-form instead of popping up in it's own window Preferably in a ShowDialog way so that the user cannot interact with the app wile they..
Good or bad practice for Dialogs in wpf with MVVM? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3801681/good-or-bad-practice-for-dialogs-in-wpf-with-mvvm calls a dialog window var result this.uiDialogService.ShowDialog Dialogwindow title goes here dialogwindowVM ... do anything.. service public interface IUIWindowDialogService bool ShowDialog string title object datacontext public class WpfUIWindowDialogService.. IUIWindowDialogService public bool ShowDialog string title object datacontext var win new WindowDialog win.Title..
How to open a new form from another form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3965043/how-to-open-a-new-form-from-another-form form from another form I have form which is opened using ShowDialog Method. In this form i have a Button called More. If we click.. the following code MoreActions objUI new MoreActions objUI.ShowDialog this.Close But what is happening is it's not closing the first..
Is it possible to use ShowDialog without blocking all forms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/428494/is-it-possible-to-use-showdialog-without-blocking-all-forms it possible to use ShowDialog without blocking all forms I hope I can explain this clearly.. . Now I want child form B to open a form D using form.ShowDialog . When I do this it blocks form A and form C as well. Is there.. If you run Form B on a separate thread from A and C the ShowDialog call will only block that thread. Clearly that's not a trivial..
Use of Application.DoEvents() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181777/use-of-application-doevents . It is cleverly disguised however with a different name ShowDialog . It is DoEvents that allows a dialog to be modal without it.. then surely the data is scrambled all to hell. Back to ShowDialog . It executes DoEvents but do note that it does something else...
Custom Installer in .Net showing Form behind installer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6213498/custom-installer-in-net-showing-form-behind-installer topmostForm.TopMost true topmostForm.ShowDialog I need to display the topmostForm in front of the default Windows.. to create a Form. Setting the TopMost property or using ShowDialog is not helping. Is there any other solution to make my form..
WPF: How to dynamically Add Controls in dynamically created WPF Window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7884185/wpf-how-to-dynamically-add-controls-in-dynamically-created-wpf-window static Window winInputDialog which is called by its ShowDialog Method . Nothing by name AddChild Child Children property or.. property or method comes. The Window is showing through ShowDialog but without controls. My Sample project is here WPF Input Box..
WPF C# InputBox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8103743/wpf-c-sharp-inputbox from the TextBox. So instead of using code that requires ShowDialog you simply set the Visibility option to Visible . There are..