c# Programming Glossary: scrollviewer
Example using Hyperlink in WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10238694/example-using-hyperlink-in-wpf RowDefinition Height 40 Grid.RowDefinitions Grid ScrollViewer ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility Auto Grid.RowSpan 2.. Height 40 Grid.RowDefinitions Grid ScrollViewer ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility Auto Grid.RowSpan 2 StackPanel.. Click here Hyperlink TextBox DockPanel StackPanel ScrollViewer Grid StackPanel HorizontalAlignment Right Orientation Horizontal..
Get ListView Visible items http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11187382/get-listview-visible-items items I tried to look into the ListView or in the ScrollViewer but I still have no idea how to achieve this. The solution must.. . Edit Answer thanks to akjoshi i found the way get the ScrollViewer of the ListView with a FindDescendant method that you can do.. you can do yourself with the VisualTreeHelper . read its ScrollViewer.VerticalOffset it is the number of the first item shown read..
Implementing a log viewer with WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16743804/implementing-a-log-viewer-with-wpf Setter Property Template Setter.Value ControlTemplate ScrollViewer CanContentScroll True ItemsPresenter ScrollViewer ControlTemplate.. ScrollViewer CanContentScroll True ItemsPresenter ScrollViewer ControlTemplate Setter.Value Setter Setter Property ItemsPanel.. LogViewerStyle ItemsControl.Template ControlTemplate ScrollViewer CanContentScroll True ItemsPresenter ScrollViewer ControlTemplate..
disable mouse wheel on itemscontrol in wpf http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2189053/disable-mouse-wheel-on-itemscontrol-in-wpf the ListBox which is composed of among other things a ScrollViewer inside your ScrollViewer catches the MouseWheel event and handles.. composed of among other things a ScrollViewer inside your ScrollViewer catches the MouseWheel event and handles it preventing it from.. and handles it preventing it from bubbling and thus the ScrollViewer has no idea the event ever occurred. Use the following extremely..
Pan & Zoom Image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/741956/pan-zoom-image on the web. Should I use ViewBox Or ImageBrush Do I need ScrollViewer Thanks c# wpf xaml zoom pan share improve this question ..
How to retrieve the total height for DataGrid's content in WPF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11156592/how-to-retrieve-the-total-height-for-datagrids-content-in-wpf Find first child of type ScrollViewer in object Foo var scrollViewer VisualTreeHelpers.FindChild ScrollViewer Foo If object is found.. is found set other control's height to ViewportHeight if scrollViewer null MyControl.Height scrollViewer.ViewportHeight I can't remember.. to ViewportHeight if scrollViewer null MyControl.Height scrollViewer.ViewportHeight I can't remember if there's more than one ScrollViewer..
horizontal offset for scrollviewer in gridview C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11830574/horizontal-offset-for-scrollviewer-in-gridview-c-sharp to add using WinRTXamlToolkit.Extensions then call var scrollViewer myGridView.GetFirstDescendantOfType ScrollViewer and there you..
How to fill up datagrid with empty rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12890890/how-to-fill-up-datagrid-with-empty-rows public ScrollViewer ScrollViewer get if scrollViewer null scrollViewer this.FindDescendant ScrollViewer if scrollViewer.. ScrollViewer ScrollViewer get if scrollViewer null scrollViewer this.FindDescendant ScrollViewer if scrollViewer null throw.. null scrollViewer this.FindDescendant ScrollViewer if scrollViewer null throw new InvalidOperationException return scrollViewer..
In WPF, how do I adjust the scroll increment for a FlowDocumentReader with ViewingMode set to Scroll? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/876994/in-wpf-how-do-i-adjust-the-scroll-increment-for-a-flowdocumentreader-with-viewi scrollHost .GetValue Demo.ScrollSpeedProperty ScrollViewer scrollViewer GetScrollViewer scrollHost as ScrollViewer if scrollViewer null.. scrollViewer GetScrollViewer scrollHost as ScrollViewer if scrollViewer null double offset scrollViewer.VerticalOffset e.Delta scrollSpeed.. as ScrollViewer if scrollViewer null double offset scrollViewer.VerticalOffset e.Delta scrollSpeed 6 if offset 0 scrollViewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset..