c# Programming Glossary: secext
(Attempting to) migrate from WSE 3.0 to WCF for client code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10589561/attempting-to-migrate-from-wse-3-0-to-wcf-for-client-code open.org wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd var nonce doc.CreateElement Nonce http docs.oasis open.org.. open.org wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd token.AppendChild created token.AppendChild nonce set..
Error in WCF client consuming Axis 2 web service with WS-Security UsernameToken PasswordDigest authentication scheme http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3102693/error-in-wcf-client-consuming-axis-2-web-service-with-ws-security-usernametoken open.org wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd xmlns http docs.oasis open.org wss 2004 01 oasis 200401.. open.org wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd xmlns xsi http www.w3.org 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns.. open.org wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd u Timestamp u Id _0 u Created 2010 06 23T10 31 23.441Z..
Correct way communicate WSSE Usernametoken for SOAP webservice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5836685/correct-way-communicate-wsse-usernametoken-for-soap-webservice docs.oasis open.org wss 2004 01 oasis 200401wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd must be included in the request. Example wsse UsernameToken.. open.org wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd' wsse Username Bob wsse Username wsse Password Type.. open.org wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd s mustUnderstand 1 u Timestamp u Id _0 u Created 2011..
Remove WS-Addressing/WS-Security sections from WSE 3.0 Client request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/753327/remove-ws-addressing-ws-security-sections-from-wse-3-0-client-request open.org wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd xmlns wsu http docs.oasis open.org wss 2004 01 oasis..
WCF: Adding Nonce to UsernameToken http://stackoverflow.com/questions/896901/wcf-adding-nonce-to-usernametoken open.org wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd o UsernameToken u Id uuid c306efd1 e84c 410e a2ad 1046b368582e.. open.org wss 2004 01 oasis 200401 wss wssecurity secext 1.0.xsd soapenv mustUnderstand 1 wsse UsernameToken xmlns wsu..