

c# Programming Glossary: regex.matches

Why is OfType<> faster than Cast<>? [closed]


to string array Given The two Linq expressions var arr Regex.Matches strText @ b A Za z ' b .OfType Match OfType .Select m m.Groups.. OfType .Select m m.Groups 0 .Value .ToArray and var arr Regex.Matches strText @ b A Za z ' b .Cast Match Cast .Select m m.Groups 0.. cast the whole IEnumerable . When I switched from using Regex.Matches to an array to avoid measuring the regex processing time I also..

How do you parse an HTML string for image tags to get at the SRC information?


@ img ^ src s s ' ^' ' ^ MatchCollection matchesImgSrc Regex.Matches htmlSource regexImgSrc RegexOptions.IgnoreCase RegexOptions.Singleline..

Parsing formatted string


modify the original format string and then pass it to Regex.Matches to get the array and run it for each placeholder in the format..

Parse an integer from a string with trailing garbage


parsing share improve this question foreach var m in Regex.Matches 3 .x. 4 @ d Console.WriteLine m Updated per comments Not sure..

Getting values between quotes


new StringBuilder bool first true foreach Match match in Regex.Matches html @ test ^ if first first false else sb.Append ' ' sb.Append.. if you just want the values foreach Match match in Regex.Matches html @ test ^ Console.WriteLine match.Groups 1 .Value The main..

Count the number of times a string appears within a string [duplicate]


What's the difference between “groups” and “captures” in .NET regular expressions?


Consider the following C# code MatchCollection matches Regex.Matches Q @ ^ A Z I expect this to result in a single capture for the.. your regex to look as follows MatchCollection matches Regex.Matches Q R S @ A Z you will notice that the first Group will have one..

How can I find a string after a specific string/character using regex


10 var keys string.Join keywords.ToArray var matches Regex.Matches source @ key keys RegexOptions.IgnoreCase foreach Match m..

C# Regex Split - everything inside square brackets


antagonist HSA 3269 PATH hsa04080 3269 var matches Regex.Matches query pattern foreach Match m in matches Console.WriteLine m.Groups..

How to create a List<T> from a comma separated string?


but skips invalid entries is to use Regex var myList Regex.Matches ids 0 9 .Cast Match .SelectMany m m.Groups.Cast Group .Select..