c# Programming Glossary: regex.match
GetCookie extract information to a String http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11378467/getcookie-extract-information-to-a-string typeof string foreach string i in myArr Here we call Regex.Match. Match match Regex.Match i @ lv . xrs RegexOptions.IgnoreCase.. string i in myArr Here we call Regex.Match. Match match Regex.Match i @ lv . xrs RegexOptions.IgnoreCase Here we check the Match.. string key cookies.Cast Cookie .Select x Regex.Match x.Value @ lv . xrs RegexOptions.IgnoreCase .Where x x.Success..
Copy result to clipboard http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14082942/copy-result-to-clipboard Console.WriteLine ~ Trying to upload args 0 string name Regex.Match args 0 @ ^ .Value ftp ftpClient new ftp @ ftp site.ru dfgd QWERTY_123..
Parse an integer from a string with trailing garbage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1561273/parse-an-integer-from-a-string-with-trailing-garbage parsing share improve this question foreach var m in Regex.Matches 3 .x. 4 @ d Console.WriteLine m Updated per comments Not sure.. is the shortest solution. To get first int Match match Regex.Match 3 .x. 4 @ d if match.Success Console.WriteLine int.Parse match.Value..
How can I upload a file and save it to a Stream for further preview using C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1653469/how-can-i-upload-a-file-and-save-it-to-a-stream-for-further-preview-using-c 0 File tempFile new File UploadFileName Regex.Match hpf.FileName @ fileName ^ .Groups fileName .ToString to trim..
C# Developing .Net3.5 using reflection to get/set values to nested properties and/or nested fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19936888/c-sharp-developing-net3-5-using-reflection-to-get-set-values-to-nested-properti currentPathStep pathSteps i var currentPathStepMatches Regex.Match currentPathStep @ w d result currentType.GetProperty currentPathStepMatches.Groups..
Characters in string changed after downloading HTML from the internet http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2700638/characters-in-string-changed-after-downloading-html-from-the-internet if string.IsNullOrEmpty response.CharacterSet Match m Regex.Match response.ContentType @ s charset s s charset . RegexOptions.IgnoreCase..
Cannot get regular expression work correctly with multiline http://stackoverflow.com/questions/289440/cannot-get-regular-expression-work-correctly-with-multiline this mode by specifying RegexOptions.Singleline such as in Regex.Match string regex RegexOptions.Singleline . share improve this..
How do I extract a string of text that lies between two (parenthesis) using .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/378415/how-do-i-extract-a-string-of-text-that-lies-between-two-parenthesis-using-net A very simple way to do it is by using regular expressions Regex.Match User name sales @ ^ .Groups 1 .Value As a response to the very..
Regular Expression to get the SRC of images in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4257359/regular-expression-to-get-the-src-of-images-in-c-sharp only to isolate the whole tag till now. string matchString Regex.Match original_text @ img ^ .Value c# regex img src share improve.. img src share improve this question string matchString Regex.Match original_text img. src ' . ' . RegexOptions.IgnoreCase .Groups..
Improving/Fixing a Regex for C style block comments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/462843/improving-fixing-a-regex-for-c-style-block-comments Working in C# 3.0 targeting .NET 3.5 I'm using the Regex.Match string int method to start matching at a particular index of..
C# find and extract number from a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4734116/c-sharp-find-and-extract-number-from-a-string d is the regex for an integer number. So resultString Regex.Match subjectString @ d .Value will give you that number as a string...
regex embedded {{ matching http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6002605/regex-embedded-matching The .NET regex engine allows recursive matching result Regex.Match subject @ # opening # now match... ^ # any characters except..
Regular expression for parsing mailing addresses http://stackoverflow.com/questions/642602/regular-expression-for-parsing-mailing-addresses post s office s box s postofficebox S s Match match Regex.Match noPeriodsLine1 addressParseRegEx if match.Success HouseNumber..
In WPF can you filter a CollectionViewSource without code behind? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6461826/in-wpf-can-you-filter-a-collectionviewsource-without-code-behind Cannot match non string with regex. else return Regex.Match string itemValue RegexPattern .Success Markup extensions..
Using WebClient in C# is there a way to get the URL of a site after being redirected? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/690587/using-webclient-in-c-sharp-is-there-a-way-to-get-the-url-of-a-site-after-being-r WebClient string source x.DownloadString s string title Regex.Match source @ title b ^ s Title s S title RegexOptions.IgnoreCase..
Slow Regex performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9687596/slow-regex-performance backslash quote optional backslash anychar quote Match m Regex.Match s ^ . if m.Success Trace.WriteLine m.Value else Trace.WriteLine..
C#, regular expressions : how to parse comma-separated values, where some values might be quoted strings themselves containing commas http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1189416/c-regular-expressions-how-to-parse-comma-separated-values-where-some-values myString n Regex regex new Regex ' . ' ^. . . Match match regex.Match myString int j 0 while match.Success Console.WriteLine j t..
Regex: get the name of captured groups in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1381097/regex-get-the-name-of-captured-groups-in-c-sharp number d 9 date d 2 d 2 d 4 code . GroupCollection groups regex.Match line .Groups foreach Group group in groups Console.WriteLine.. the groups collection. For example GroupCollection groups regex.Match line .Groups foreach string groupName in regex.GetGroupNames..
Is the DataTypeAttribute validation working in MVC2? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2391423/is-the-datatypeattribute-validation-working-in-mvc2 if string.IsNullOrEmpty str return true Match match regex.Match str return match.Success match.Index 0 match.Length str.Length..
Regular expression to remove HTML tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3790681/regular-expression-to-remove-html-tags @ img a ^ content ^ var regex new Regex pattern var m regex.Match sSummary if m.Success sResult m.Groups content .Value share..
Translation of yield into VB.NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3811589/translation-of-yield-into-vb-net current.Success If current Is Nothing Then current _regex.Match _input Else current current.NextMatch End If If current.Success.. public bool MoveNext currentMatch currentMatch null regex.Match input currentMatch.NextMatch if currentMatch.Success current..
Open a file with Notepad in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4055266/open-a-file-with-notepad-in-c-sharp
How do I have Open XML spreadsheet “uncollapse” cells in a spreadsheet? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4923359/how-do-i-have-open-xml-spreadsheet-uncollapse-cells-in-a-spreadsheet the cell name. Regex regex new Regex @ d Match match regex.Match cellReference return uint.Parse match.Value summary Given a.. of the cell name. Regex regex new Regex A Za z Match match regex.Match cellReference return match.Value summary Increments the reference..
Poor man's “lexer” for C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/673113/poor-mans-lexer-for-c-sharp ^ 0 regex public int Match string text var m regex.Match text return m.Success m.Length 0 public override string ToString..
Implementing RegEx Timeout in .NET 4 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9460661/implementing-regex-timeout-in-net-4 wh throw new TimeOutException Usage var r WithTimeout regex.Match foo 1000 Update As pointed out by Christian.K the async thread..
sort string-numbers [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9988937/sort-string-numbers Regex ^ d run the regex on both strings var xRegexResult regex.Match x var yRegexResult regex.Match y check if they are both numbers.. strings var xRegexResult regex.Match x var yRegexResult regex.Match y check if they are both numbers if xRegexResult.Success yRegexResult.Success..