c# Programming Glossary: recognize
C# string reference type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1096449/c-sharp-string-reference-type being a reference type the second output statement should recognize that the text changed in the TestI method. However I get before..
XPATHS and Default Namespaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11345/xpaths-and-default-namespaces as though some of the XPath processor libraries won't recognize foo because of the namespace whereas others will. The option..
Strip Byte Order Mark from string in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1317700/strip-byte-order-mark-from-string-in-c-sharp and parse byte arrays instead. The XML parser should recognize the BOM itself and skip it except for auto detecting the document..
How do I get the member to which my custom attribute was applied? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2168942/how-do-i-get-the-member-to-which-my-custom-attribute-was-applied and it's possible that some .NET languages might not even recognize them as properties property resolution is done entirely by convention..
Delphi SOAP Envelope and WCF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2473051/delphi-soap-envelope-and-wcf it is simply sending RPC Encoded SOAP. It's very easy to recognize from all the xsi type attributes. RPC Encoded is not WS I compliant.. not WS I compliant but nevertheless most SOAP toolkits do recognize it so I list it here as a possibility. share improve this answer..
How can I protect my .NET assemblies from decompilation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2478230/how-can-i-protect-my-net-assemblies-from-decompilation a b c or so. Reflector or other tools should be unable to recognize my application as .NET assembly at all. I know about some tools..
Force PHP integer overflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/300840/force-php-integer-overflow out how 1580033017 2072974554 equals 641959725. I do recognize that it is 2147483648 2 2^31 but 2147483648 2^31 is 1505523923..
Why we need Thread.MemoryBarrier()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3556351/why-we-need-thread-memorybarrier Thread.Sleep 10 This need seems crazy to me. How can I recognize all possible cases that this can occur I think that if processor..
Linq to EntityFramework DateTime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4146300/linq-to-entityframework-datetime When I run my code Exception LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.DateTime AddDays Double ' method and this..
How to detect the character encoding of a text file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4520184/how-to-detect-the-character-encoding-of-a-text-file be really hard to detect them. The only reliable way to recognize UTF 16 without a BOM is to look for surrogate pairs D 8 B xx..
good Speech recognition API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5467827/good-speech-recognition-api is starting because you are using a shared desktop recognizer. You should use an inproc recognizer for your application only... a shared desktop recognizer. You should use an inproc recognizer for your application only. you do this by instantiating a SpeechRecognitionEngine.. are using the dictation grammar and the desktop windows recognizer I believe it can be trained by the speaker to improve its accuracy...
linq to entities doesn't recognize a method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5845993/linq-to-entities-doesnt-recognize-a-method to entities doesn't recognize a method I have those methods public int count Guid companyId.. I get the following exception LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean IsMatch System.Nullable`1 System.Int64 System.Nullable`1..
How to distinguish between multiple input devices in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/587840/how-to-distinguish-between-multiple-input-devices-in-c-sharp barcode scanner and scanning a barcode the program did not recognize the scan. I put a break point in OnBarcodeScanned method but..
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5899683/linq-to-entities-does-not-recognize-the-method-system-string-tostring-method to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString ' method and this method.. it throws an exception saying LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.String ToString ' method and this method..
Linq to Entities, random order http://stackoverflow.com/questions/654906/linq-to-entities-random-order System.NotSupportedException LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Guid Random ' method and this method cannot..
Get external IP address over remoting in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/66363/get-external-ip-address-over-remoting-in-c-sharp DSL modem and any routers inbetween it and my laptop to recognize incoming connections from your server and route them appropriately...
Hex To String C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/724862/hex-to-string-c-sharp 1 . If the input parameter is string the function should recognize dashes example 47 61 74 65 77 61 79 53 65 72 76 65 72 because..