

c# Programming Glossary: receivestream

Getting text between all tags in a given html and recursively going through links


if response.StatusCode HttpStatusCode.OK Stream receiveStream response.GetResponseStream StreamReader readStream null if.. if response.CharacterSet null readStream new StreamReader receiveStream else readStream new StreamReader receiveStream Encoding.GetEncoding.. receiveStream else readStream new StreamReader receiveStream Encoding.GetEncoding response.CharacterSet data readStream.ReadToEnd..

Posting image from .NET to Facebook wall using the Graph API


HttpWebResponse response null Stream receiveStream null StreamReader readStream null Encoding responseEncoding.. try response HttpWebResponse request.GetResponse receiveStream response.GetResponseStream readStream new StreamReader receiveStream.. response.GetResponseStream readStream new StreamReader receiveStream responseEncoding responseContent readStream.ReadToEnd finally..

How to load web browser with web response


response HttpWebResponse webRequest.GetResponse Stream receiveStream response.GetResponseStream WebBrowser webBrowser new WebBrowser..