

c# Programming Glossary: readbuffer.length

How to convert an Stream into a byte[] in C#?


while bytesRead stream.Read readBuffer totalBytesRead readBuffer.Length totalBytesRead 0 totalBytesRead bytesRead if totalBytesRead.. 0 totalBytesRead bytesRead if totalBytesRead readBuffer.Length int nextByte stream.ReadByte if nextByte 1 byte temp new.. stream.ReadByte if nextByte 1 byte temp new byte readBuffer.Length 2 Buffer.BlockCopy readBuffer 0 temp 0 readBuffer.Length Buffer.SetByte..

Difference between NetworkStream.Read() and NetworkStream.BeginRead()?


new byte 32 var asyncReader stream.BeginRead readBuffer 0 readBuffer.Length null null WaitHandle handle asyncReader.AsyncWaitHandle Give.. new byte 32 var asyncReader stream.BeginRead readBuffer 0 readBuffer.Length null null WaitHandle handle asyncReader.AsyncWaitHandle Give.. readBuffer 0 bytesRead if bytesRead readBuffer.Length There's possibly more than 32 bytes to read so get the next..