c# Programming Glossary: rationale
OR-ing bytes in C# gives int [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1214629/or-ing-bytes-in-c-sharp-gives-int operands are converted to type int. I don't know the exact rationale for this but I can think about one. For arithmetic operators..
Why use the C# class System.Random at all instead of System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1257299/why-use-the-c-sharp-class-system-random-at-all-instead-of-system-security-crypto of random number generators see question 101337 . But what rationale is there to not always use the secure random number generator..
How do I get the member to which my custom attribute was applied? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2168942/how-do-i-get-the-member-to-which-my-custom-attribute-was-applied to behave differently for properties and methods The whole rationale behind attributes is that they are a kind of metadata. If you..
Creating an instance using Ninject with additional parameters in the constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2227548/creating-an-instance-using-ninject-with-additional-parameters-in-the-constructor 07 28 CompositionRoot.aspx for a detailed and complete rationale. Minimise use of statics and singletons Don't assume there is..
Why prefix C# interface names with an ?œI??/a> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/437649/why-prefix-c-sharp-interface-names-with-an-i 07 28 CompositionRoot.aspx for a detailed and complete rationale. Minimise use of statics and singletons Don't assume there is..
Why does C# limit the set of types that can be declared as const? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/441420/why-does-c-sharp-limit-the-set-of-types-that-can-be-declared-as-const be declared as const . Does anyone have a theory on the rationale for this limitation For instance it would be nice to be able..
DataTable to JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/451460/datatable-to-json The format I used made sense at the time for the exact rationale in the url. However that rationale includes the following To.. the time for the exact rationale in the url. However that rationale includes the following To be perfectly honest JSON Schema does..
Why aren't C# static class extension methods supported? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4909156/why-arent-c-sharp-static-class-extension-methods-supported reason why it isn't supported For example here's a rationale behind why there is no built in LINQ ForEach T extension for..
C# “as” cast vs classic cast [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4926677/c-sharp-as-cast-vs-classic-cast the someObject variable. So I'm wondering what's the rationale behind this method Why should one use this way of casting rather..
C# property and ref parameter, why no sugar? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/529782/c-sharp-property-and-ref-parameter-why-no-sugar error messages is generated. What I'm looking for is the rationale for why C# doesn't automatically implement the trivial workaround...
Why Does Path.Combine not properly concatenate filenames that start with Path.DirectorySeparatorChar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/53102/why-does-path-combine-not-properly-concatenate-filenames-that-start-with-path-di path this method returns path2. I don't know what the rationale is. I guess the solution is to strip off or Trim DirectorySeparatorChar..
Why is The Iteration Variable in a C# foreach statement read-only? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/776430/why-is-the-iteration-variable-in-a-c-sharp-foreach-statement-read-only fallback to using the for loop. I'm curious what is the rationale behind making the iterator immutable Edit This question is more..
Why is this cast not possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/833447/why-is-this-cast-not-possible no conversion exists from List B to List object . Note The rationale for this is simple if a conversion to List A is permitted then..
Why aren't variables declared in “try” in scope in “catch” or “finally”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/94977/why-arent-variables-declared-in-try-in-scope-in-catch-or-finally the try catch finally . My question is what were are the rationale s behind this language design decision in Java in C# and or..