

c# Programming Glossary: process.getprocessesbyname

How to force C# .net app to run only one instance in Windows? [duplicate]


Process.GetCurrentProcess foreach Process process in Process.GetProcessesByName current.ProcessName if process.Id current.Id SetForegroundWindow..

.NET Process Monitor


grab the process if it has since stopped. Process process Process.GetProcessesByName processName serverName c# process system share improve this..

Process.Start with different credentials with UAC on


OK hUserToken 0 hUserToken Process processes Process.GetProcessesByName userAppName if processes.Length 0 output.AppendLine String.Format..

How can I know if a process is running?


This is a way to do it with the name Process pname Process.GetProcessesByName notepad if pname.Length 0 MessageBox.Show nothing else MessageBox.Show..

Can I get command line arguments of other processes from .NET/C#?


I can get the processes themselves easily enough through Process.GetProcessesByName but whenever I do the StartInfo.Arguments property is always..

Sending keystrokes to a program


ptrFF SendKeys.SendWait F1 By Process name Process proc Process.GetProcessesByName firefox 0 IntPtr ptrFF proc.Handle SetForegroundWindow ptrFF..

How are DLLs loaded by the CLR?


Get all modules inside the process ObjModulesList Process.GetProcessesByName MyProcessName Populate the module collection. ObjModulesOrig..

Simulating Key Press c#


STAThread static void Main while true Process processes Process.GetProcessesByName iexplore foreach Process proc in processes SetForegroundWindow.. STAThread static void Main while true Process processes Process.GetProcessesByName iexplore foreach Process proc in processes PostMessage proc.MainWindowHandle..

How can I embed any file type into Microsoft Word using OpenXml 2.0


be open if FileType.StartsWith Excel Process processes Process.GetProcessesByName EXCEL foreach Process process in processes if DateTime.Now.Subtract..

How to get parent process in .NET in managed way


pid .ProcessName var processesByName Process.GetProcessesByName processName string processIndexdName null for var index 0 index..

Restoring window from the system tray when allowing only one instance of that program


Process.GetCurrentProcess foreach Process process in Process.GetProcessesByName current.ProcessName if process.Id current.Id IntPtr handle..

C# Force Form Focus


ActivateApplication string briefAppName Process procList Process.GetProcessesByName briefAppName if procList.Length 0 ShowWindow procList 0 .MainWindowHandle..

Checking if Windows Application is running


total processes have the same name as the current one if Process.GetProcessesByName thisProc.ProcessName .Length 1 If ther is more than one than..

How to read command line arguments of another process in C#?


list of running processes e.g. by name Process processList Process.GetProcessesByName processName However there is no way to access the command line..

How to send text to Notepad in C#/Win32?


first I'm retrieving the Windows handle Process processes Process.GetProcessesByName notepad Console.WriteLine processes 0 .MainWindowHandle.ToString.. button1_Click object sender EventArgs e Process notepads Process.GetProcessesByName notepad if notepads.Length 0 return if notepads 0 null IntPtr..

PostMessage WM_KEYDOWN send multiply keys?


have this code public static void Next Process processes Process.GetProcessesByName test foreach Process proc in processes PostMessage proc.MainWindowHandle.. i tried this public static void Forward Process processes Process.GetProcessesByName test foreach Process proc in processes PostMessage proc.MainWindowHandle..

How do I determine the owner of a process in C#?


code to get a list of the processes Process processes Process.GetProcessesByName MyApp This gives me a list of processes but there does not appear..

Get a screenshot of a specific application [duplicate]


public void CaptureApplication string procName var proc Process.GetProcessesByName procName 0 var rect new User32.Rect User32.GetWindowRect proc.MainWindowHandle..