

c# Programming Glossary: pos.x

Resize WinForm, with no border?


if pos.Y cCaption m.Result IntPtr 2 HTCAPTION return if pos.X this.ClientSize.Width cGrip pos.Y this.ClientSize.Height cGrip..

How to create a C# Winforms Control that hovers


Point pos mParent.PointToScreen Point.Empty cp.X pos.X cp.Y pos.Y cp.Width base.DefaultSize.Width cp.Height base.DefaultSize.Height..

finding the value of the points in a chart


e.Location clickPosition pos var results chart1.HitTest pos.X pos.Y false ChartElementType.PlottingArea foreach var result.. var xVal result.ChartArea.AxisX.PixelPositionToValue pos.X var yVal result.ChartArea.AxisY.PixelPositionToValue pos.Y.. prevPosition pos var results chart1.HitTest pos.X pos.Y false ChartElementType.PlottingArea foreach var result..