c# Programming Glossary: m_value
If Int32 is just an alias for int, how can the Int32 class use an int? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16113850/if-int32-is-just-an-alias-for-int-how-can-the-int32-class-use-an-int Int32 IComparable IFormattable IConvertible internal int m_value ... But isn't this illegal in C# If int is only an alias for..
How do I sort an observable collection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1945461/how-do-i-sort-an-observable-collection Key DataMember public TValue Value get return m_value set m_value value OnPropertyChanged Value #endregion #region.. DataMember public TValue Value get return m_value set m_value value OnPropertyChanged Value #endregion #region Fields private.. #region Fields private TKey m_key private TValue m_value #endregion #region INotifyPropertyChanged Members public event..
Assign Property with an ExpressionTree http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5780232/assign-property-with-an-expressiontree setter specifically using lambda like this private int m_value public int Value get return m_value set m_value value RaisePropertyChanged.. like this private int m_value public int Value get return m_value set m_value value RaisePropertyChanged this vm vm.Value static.. int m_value public int Value get return m_value set m_value value RaisePropertyChanged this vm vm.Value static void RaisePropertyChanged..