c# Programming Glossary: maxlength
Parsing HTML page with HtmlAgilityPack http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1512562/parsing-html-page-with-htmlagilitypack Name B B DIV TD TD width 50 INPUT class box value John maxLength 16 size 16 name user_name TD TR vAlign center c# html html.. Name B B DIV TD TD width 50 INPUT class box value John maxLength 16 size 16 name user_name TD TR vAlign center HtmlDocument htmlDoc..
In C#, how to determine the XSD-defined MaxLength for an element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1595838/in-c-how-to-determine-the-xsd-defined-maxlength-for-an-element read and validated I want to determine in my C# code the 'maxLength' value specified in the XSD for a particular element. For example.. 0 xsd simpleType xsd restriction base xsd string xsd maxLength value 10 xsd restriction xsd simpleType xsd element I can get.. But how do I get the 'maxLength' value value of 10 in my example fragment above I thought '..
Split String into smaller Strings by length variable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3008718/split-string-into-smaller-strings-by-length-variable IEnumerable string SplitByLength this string str int maxLength for int index 0 index str.Length index maxLength yield return.. str int maxLength for int index 0 index str.Length index maxLength yield return str.Substring index Math.Min maxLength str.Length.. index maxLength yield return str.Substring index Math.Min maxLength str.Length index Alternative public static IEnumerable string..
What method in the String class returns only the first N characters? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3566830/what-method-in-the-string-class-returns-only-the-first-n-characters static string TruncateLongString this string str int maxLength if str.Length maxLength return str else return the first maxLength.. this string str int maxLength if str.Length maxLength return str else return the first maxLength characters What.. if str.Length maxLength return str else return the first maxLength characters What String. method can I use to get only the first..
Entity Framework Code First Fluent Api: Adding Indexes to columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8262590/entity-framework-code-first-fluent-api-adding-indexes-to-columns PostId c.Int nullable false identity true Title c.String maxLength 200 Content c.String BlogId c.Int nullable false .PrimaryKey..
EntitySet System.InvalidOperationException - “the entity type is not part of the model for the current context” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13634819/entityset-system-invalidoperationexception-the-entity-type-is-not-part-of-the Identity Property Type String Name Name Nullable false MaxLength 200 FixedLength false Unicode true EntityType Associations here..
How check by unit test that properties mark as computed in ORM model? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15866272/how-check-by-unit-test-that-properties-mark-as-computed-in-orm-model Identity Property Name Name Type nvarchar Nullable false MaxLength 32 Property Name PasswordHashCode1 Type int Nullable false Property..
In C#, how to determine the XSD-defined MaxLength for an element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1595838/in-c-how-to-determine-the-xsd-defined-maxlength-for-an-element C# how to determine the XSD defined MaxLength for an element I'm using XmlReader with an attached XSD for..
EditorFor() and html properties http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1625327/editorfor-and-html-properties the above code renders a texbox. What if I want to pass in MaxLength and Size properties to the text box or my own css class property..
Is there a way to catch maximum length PER LINE and not allow user to input more characters if max length PER LINE has been reached? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17079046/is-there-a-way-to-catch-maximum-length-per-line-and-not-allow-user-to-input-more If yes it shouldn't be printed in the textbox like MaxLength does . Example of the input Note maximum length per line is..
C# 4.0/EF - Server-generated keys and server-generated values are not supported by SQL Server Compact http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2734424/c-sharp-4-0-ef-server-generated-keys-and-server-generated-values-are-not-suppo ID Key Property Name RawData Type nvarchar Nullable false MaxLength 100 Property Name DoorOpen Type datetime Nullable false Property.. false Property Name UserName Type nvarchar Nullable false MaxLength 100 Property Name CardNumber Type bigint Nullable false Property..
Entity Framework: Alternate solution to using non primary unique keys in an association http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3992236/entity-framework-alternate-solution-to-using-non-primary-unique-keys-in-an-asso false Property Name TypeCode Type varchar Nullable false MaxLength 10 EntityType Errors Found During Generation warning 6035 The.. false Property Name TypeCode Type varchar Nullable false MaxLength 10 Property Name TypeDesc Type varchar max EntityType Schema.. false Property Name TypeCode Type String Nullable false MaxLength 10 Unicode false FixedLength false EntityType EntityType Name..
How to retrieve Data Annotations from code? (programmatically) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7027613/how-to-retrieve-data-annotations-from-code-programmatically 4.1 project. For example public class Player Required MaxLength 30 Display Name Player Name public string PlayerName get set.. Display Name Player Name public string PlayerName get set MaxLength 100 Display Name Player Description public string PlayerDescription.. var playerNameTextBox new TextBox playerNameTextBox.MaxLength GetAnnotation myPlayer.PlayerName MaxLength How can I do that..