c# Programming Glossary: interior
Does Java have the '@' character to escape string quotes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2018556/does-java-have-the-character-to-escape-string-quotes within quotes you must use the escape sequence on the interior quotes. To print the sentence She said Hello to me. you would..
Create a System-tray styled box in Winforms (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2169006/create-a-system-tray-styled-box-in-winforms-c the the nonclient title bar area giving you this The the interior section like with Customize can be duplicated with a properly..
What does Expression.Quote() do that Expression.Constant() can?™t already do? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3716492/what-does-expression-quote-do-that-expression-constant-cant-already-do The lambda has a nested lambda the compiler generates the interior lambda as a delegate to a function closed over the state of.. the compiled state to return an expression tree of the interior. There are two ways to do that the easy way and the hard way... is the operator which induces closure semantics on the interior lambda which uses an outer variable a formal parameter of the..
C# Point in polygon http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4243042/c-sharp-point-in-polygon polygon as a path from the first vertex. A point is on the interior of this polygons if it is always on the same side of all the..
If strings are immutable in .NET, then why does Substring take O(n) time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6742923/if-strings-are-immutable-in-net-then-why-does-substring-take-on-time get slower because now it has to worry about handling interior pointers. If the substring operations people typically did on..