

c# Programming Glossary: interests

XML Serialize generic list of serializable objects


Type public class SpecialPerson Person XmlElement SpecialInterests public string Interests get set public SpecialPerson public.. Person XmlElement SpecialInterests public string Interests get set public SpecialPerson public SpecialPerson string name.. this.Name name this.City city this.Age age this.ID id this.Interests interests class SuperPerson inherits Person XmlType SuperPerson..

Virtual Navigation Properties and Multi-Tenancy


with code like the following public DbSet Interest Interests get set public DbSet User Users get set I've recently implemented.. FilterTenant _dbContext.Users public IQueryable Interest Interests get return FilterTenant _dbContext.Interests private IQueryable.. Interest Interests get return FilterTenant _dbContext.Interests private IQueryable T FilterTenant T IQueryable T values where..