c# Programming Glossary: flat
How to read a CSV file into a .NET Datatable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1050112/how-to-read-a-csv-file-into-a-net-datatable the DataTable A portable and efficient generic parser for flat files It's easy to configure and easy to use. I urge you to..
How to flatten tree via LINQ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11830174/how-to-flatten-tree-via-linq to flatten tree via LINQ So I have simple tree class MyNode public.. of all MyNode including inner node objects Elements as one flat list Where group 1 . How to do such thing via LINQ c# .net.. linq .net 4.0 tree share improve this question You can flatten a tree like this IEnumerable MyNode Flatten IEnumerable MyNode..
How to set/change/remove focus style on a Button in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/148729/how-to-set-change-remove-focus-style-on-a-button-in-c of which I modified how they look. I have set them as flat buttons with a background and a custom border so they look all..
Accessing Database Entities from Controller [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17556967/accessing-database-entities-from-controller the oven for 90 minutes until it's black and hard like a flat rock of granite. OK Sir custom Pizzas are our profession we'll.. the oven for 90 minutes until it's black and hard like a flat rock of granite. If option 1 violates a separation of concerns..
Best way to store data locally in .NET (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1941928/best-way-to-store-data-locally-in-net-c start end. It'd be fairly straightforward if I used flat files as the data doesn't really need to be secured it'll only..
DDD - How to implement high-performing repositories for searching http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2098112/ddd-how-to-implement-high-performing-repositories-for-searching the UI I just require a 'summary' of the aggregate just a flat object with summarised information. One way I could deal with..
How to execute an SSIS package from .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273751/how-to-execute-an-ssis-package-from-net can use within it. For instance the SSIS package will use flat file importing into a SQL db however the Path and name of the..
Import and Export Excel - What is the best library? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/444522/import-and-export-excel-what-is-the-best-library anything like that just export raw data. I am thinking of flat CSV files but Excel is a customer requirement. I can work with.. improve this question I'm going to throw my hand in for flat csv files if only because you've got the greatest control over..
How can a Windows Service start a process when a Timer event is raised? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4516200/how-can-a-windows-service-start-a-process-when-a-timer-event-is-raised of a service. It wasn't recommended before and now it flat doesn't work at all. If you need this particular functionality..
C# Force Form Focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/46030/c-sharp-force-form-focus I'm sure that most of that is either not needed or even flat out wrong I just wanted to show the things that I had tried...
import csv file/excel into sql database asp.net http://stackoverflow.com/questions/489620/import-csv-file-excel-into-sql-database-asp-net here . It's pure C# and it can import just about any flat file CSV and it deals with Excel too. The import is totally..
Can I set up HTML/Email Templates with ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/620265/can-i-set-up-html-email-templates-with-asp-net and they would have to worry about escaping. Including flat files for the header and footer might work but something about..
Setting Button FlatStyle in WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/697381/setting-button-flatstyle-in-wpf The ToolBar class defines a Style that makes Button s look flat. An example of using it is Button Style StaticResource x Static..
POCO vs DTO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/725348/poco-vs-dto domain. The result of this is that DTOs tend to be more flat than your actual domain. In a domain of any reasonable complexity..
Validation Error Style in WPF, similar to Silverlight http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7434245/validation-error-style-in-wpf-similar-to-silverlight Silverlight 4 and WPF Silverlight 4 WPF Notice the really flat boring look of the WPF version compared to the in my opinion..
Is extending String class with IsNullOrEmpty confusing? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/790810/is-extending-string-class-with-isnullorempty-confusing methods right now is discoverability. Unleses you flat out know all of the methods which exist on a particular type..
MVC Razor view nested foreach's model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8894442/mvc-razor-view-nested-foreachs-model model binder. When the form gets posted it's simply like a flat Dictionary string string we have lost the hierarchical structure..
How do you manage .NET app.config files for large applications? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/89245/how-do-you-manage-net-app-config-files-for-large-applications was exactly what I was getting at and looks elegant for flat key value pair sections. Is there a way to combine this approach..