

c# Programming Glossary: entitycontainer

Soft Delete Entity Framework Code First


.GetItemCollection DataSpace.SSpace .GetItems EntityContainer .SelectMany c c.BaseEntitySets .Where e e.Name typeName ..

EntitySet System.InvalidOperationException - “the entity type is not part of the model for the current context”


for instance of the EntitySet and AssociationSet in the EntityContainer . Retrieving Drinks continues to throw The entity type Drinkis.. looks like in XML format edmx ConceptualModels Schema ... EntityContainer Name MealsContext annotation LazyLoadingEnabled true EntitySet.. EntityType Models.Drink AssociationSets here for the FKs EntityContainer All are present but here's the culprit Drink EntityType Name..

Entity Framework: Alternate solution to using non primary unique keys in an association


xmlns http schemas.microsoft.com ado 2006 04 edm ssdl EntityContainer Name testModelStoreContainer EntitySet Name Person EntityType.. testModel.Store.PersonType store Type Tables Schema dbo EntityContainer EntityType Name Person Key PropertyRef Name PersonId Key Property.. Self xmlns http schemas.microsoft.com ado 2006 04 edm EntityContainer Name testEntities EntitySet Name People EntityType testModel.Person..