

c# Programming Glossary: convert.todecimal

C#: File-size format provider


format arg formatProvider Decimal size try size Convert.ToDecimal arg catch InvalidCastException return defaultFormat format..

Conversion of a decimal to double number in C# results in a difference


Convert.ToDouble dcm dbl 8224055000.000001 decimal dcm2 Convert.ToDecimal dbl dcm2 8224055000 double dbl2 Convert.ToDouble dcm2 dbl2 8224055000.0..

Convert DataTable to IEnumerable<T>


EnteredBy row EnteredBy .ToString ReadingPounds Convert.ToDecimal row ReadingPounds MaterialID Convert.ToInt32 row MaterialID.. EnteredBy row EnteredBy .ToString ReadingPounds Convert.ToDecimal row ReadingPounds MaterialID Convert.ToInt32 row MaterialID..

Convert DateTime to string format(“yyyyMMdd”)


tpoc2 0 .ToString claimantAuxillaryRecord.TPOCAmount2 Convert.ToDecimal tpoc2 1 claimantAuxillaryRecord.FundingDelayedBeyondTPOCStartDate2..

Will using LINQ to SQL help prevent SQL injection


profile new tbl_Member_UserProfile profile.SSN Convert.ToDecimal Session tempMemberSSN_Registration profile.UserName userName..

System crashing when the print button is clicked


item.SubItems 5 .Text allpayments.Monthlyamount Convert.ToDecimal item.SubItems 6 .Text allpayments.MembershipType item.SubItems..

Swap two variables without using a temp variable


a temp variable in C#. Can this be done decimal startAngle Convert.ToDecimal 159.9 decimal stopAngle Convert.ToDecimal 355.87 swap each startAngle.. startAngle Convert.ToDecimal 159.9 decimal stopAngle Convert.ToDecimal 355.87 swap each startAngle becomes 355.87 stopAngle becomes..

Performance Counter - System.InvalidOperationException: Category does not exist


try lock threadLock CurrentRequestsPerSecondValue Convert.ToDecimal pcReqsPerSec.NextValue .ToString N2 catch Exception We had..