

c# Programming Glossary: brushes.green

How to set background of a datagrid cell during autogeneratingcolumn event depending on it's value?


2 cell.Background Brushes.Yellow else cell.Background Brushes.Green public static DataGridRow GetRow DataGrid grid int index var.. else if intValue 2 return Brushes.Yellow else return Brushes.Green public object ConvertBack object value Type targetType object..

Creating a Style in code behind


s new Style typeof TextBlock s.RegisterName Foreground Brushes.Green s.RegisterName Text Green breakInfoControl.dataTextBlock.Style.. style.Setters.Add new Setter TextBlock.ForegroundProperty Brushes.Green style.Setters.Add new Setter TextBlock.TextProperty Green Resources.Add..

Colour Individual Items in a winforms ComboBox?


date with your list. brush Brushes.Red else brush Brushes.Green Draw the text e.Graphics.DrawString text Control sender .Font..

Change background color of ListView row programmatically (wpf)


i as ListViewItem lvitem.Foreground Brushes.Green and I get this error and I also have tried this foreach Tiro.. ListViewItem if t.numero 0 t.numero 37 lvitem.Background Brushes.Green lvitem.Foreground Brushes.Green else if t.numero 2 0 lvitem.Background.. 37 lvitem.Background Brushes.Green lvitem.Foreground Brushes.Green else if t.numero 2 0 lvitem.Background Brushes.Red lvitem.Foreground..

Transparent Control on Transparent control?


2 picBoxCompass.Height 2 e.Graphics.FillPie Brushes.Green picBoxCompass.Width 2 10 picBoxCompass.Height 2 10 20 20 0 360..