c# Programming Glossary: brevity
IQueryable extension method for linq2entities http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10826275/iqueryable-extension-method-for-linq2entities visitedExp vstr.Visit exp return visitedExp Sorry for the brevity of my reply it's the middle of the night here and i've got to..
What is the proper way to ensure a SQL connection is closed when an exception is thrown? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/141204/what-is-the-proper-way-to-ensure-a-sql-connection-is-closed-when-an-exception-is DoSomethingWithTheSqlConnection some code excluded for brevity try using SqlCommand cmd new SqlCommand SqlQuery.CountSomething.. _SqlConnection.Close some code excluded for brevity public Dispose _conn.Dispose c# .net sql sqlconnection ..
Best and shortest way to evaluate mathematical expressions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1437964/best-and-shortest-way-to-evaluate-mathematical-expressions JScriptEval string expr error checking etc removed for brevity return double.Parse Eval.JScriptEvaluate expr _engine .ToString..
Passing a single item as IEnumerable<T> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1577822/passing-a-single-item-as-ienumerablet to be the best name for this extension method mainly for brevity so here it is along with the XML comment if anyone want to simply..
RegEx C# : Find a string between 2 known values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1717611/regex-c-sharp-find-a-string-between-2-known-values You should check for errors in real world code omitted for brevity var startTag tag int startIndex s.IndexOf startTag startTag.Length..
A “Composable” Full Text Search with a Code First Model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18746127/a-composable-full-text-search-with-a-code-first-model this.context.SomeEntities ... The rest is omitted for brevity. The Problem How to implement the return something special .....
Get an IDataReader from a typed List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2258310/get-an-idatareader-from-a-typed-list 1 r.GetValue 0 r.GetValue 1 remaining tests omitted for brevity Project Salient.Data File EnumerableDataReader.cs http spikes.codeplex.com..
Checking stack size in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2901185/checking-stack-size-in-c-sharp 969104 969028 968952 968876 968800 968724 968648 For brevity the code above assumes a page size of 4K. While that holds true..
How to pre-load all deployed assemblies for an AppDomain http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3021613/how-to-pre-load-all-deployed-assemblies-for-an-appdomain void PreLoad string p all try catch blocks are elided for brevity string files null files Directory.GetFiles p .dll SearchOption.AllDirectories..
LINQ Query - Explanation needed of why these examples are different http://stackoverflow.com/questions/389767/linq-query-explanation-needed-of-why-these-examples-are-different c c t iterate through query and output snipped for brevity Outputs this Not wht you might expect Not wht you might xpct.. c c vowel iterate through query and output snipped for brevity Not wht you might expect Not what you might xpct Not what you..
Nlog Callsite information http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5132759/nlog-callsite-information t.FullName Trace Warn Error Fatal eliminated for brevity public bool IsInfoEnabled get return logger.IsInfoEnabled public..
All possible C# array initialization syntaxes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5678216/all-possible-c-sharp-array-initialization-syntaxes the compiler's demands. So if you're into the whole brevity thing the above could be written as var array new string 2 creates..
What is the lifetime of a delegate created by a lambda in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6280656/what-is-the-lifetime-of-a-delegate-created-by-a-lambda-in-c created by a lambda in C# Lambdas are nice as they offer brevity and locality and an extra form of encapsulation . Instead of..
What is the best NHibernate session management approach for using in a multithread windows service application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6353692/what-is-the-best-nhibernate-session-management-approach-for-using-in-a-multithre typeof SessionFactory Several functions omitted for brevity public static ISession GetCurrentSession if CurrentSessionContext.HasBind..
No type inference with generic extension method http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7171067/no-type-inference-with-generic-extension-method get set Other properties used below omitted for brevity. Now I have the following problems This extension method shows..
How do you get around multiple database connections inside a TransactionScope if MSDTC is disabled? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/761031/how-do-you-get-around-multiple-database-connections-inside-a-transactionscope-if connection's database to target a different one. For brevity the Presenter resembles something like public void ProcessWorkflow..
Is there a better way in C# to round a DateTime to the nearest 5 seconds? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/766626/is-there-a-better-way-in-c-sharp-to-round-a-datetime-to-the-nearest-5-seconds not necessarily better. It depends on whether you prefer brevity and speed over code clarity. Yours is arguably easier to understand...
How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/869744/how-to-write-a-scalable-tcp-ip-based-server if a config option was set but I wanted to remove it for brevity sake. The _serverSocket.BeginAccept new AsyncCallback acceptCallback..