

c# Programming Glossary: box.text

Sending input/getting output from a console application (C#/WinForms)


TextBox string AppendTextInBox OutputTextBox text else box.Text text private void InterProcOutputHandler object sendingProcess..

Best way to limit textbox decimal input in c#


is no text if boxFlags Filters.All string.IsNullOrEmpty box.Text return otherwise check the characters entered object txtChars.. otherwise check the characters entered object txtChars box.Text.ToCharArray bool isValidEntry false check each caracter for..

Trying to use the C# SpellCheck class


ElementHost public SpellBox box new TextBox base.Child box box.TextChanged s e OnTextChanged EventArgs.Empty box.SpellCheck.IsEnabled.. 100 20 public override string Text get return box.Text set box.Text value DefaultValue false public bool Multiline.. 100 20 public override string Text get return box.Text set box.Text value DefaultValue false public bool Multiline get return box.AcceptsReturn..

Selectively coloring text in RichTextBox


phrase Color color int pos box.SelectionStart string s box.Text for int ix 0 int jx s.IndexOf phrase ix StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase..