c# Programming Glossary: alternate
How to determine MAC Address of the actual physical network card — not virtual network interfaces created by VPN's (.NET C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1567377/how-to-determine-mac-address-of-the-actual-physical-network-card-not-virtual for using MAC address and have read many posts about alternate unique id methods and yes i've considered if they don't have..
iTextSharp international text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1727765/itextsharp-international-text improve this question The key for proper display of alternate characters sets Russian Chinese Japanese etc. is to use IDENTITY_H..
How can I lower the spam score of my email message? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1860937/how-can-i-lower-the-spam-score-of-my-email-message class you can specify a text plain body and provide an alternate html body for the marketing boys. Even if the text part only..
How do I get latest clearcase label programmatically from C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/268595/how-do-i-get-latest-clearcase-label-programmatically-from-c there's an entry for ClearCase Automation Library CAL . An alternate path is to look in the ClearCase bin directory for cc_cal.chm..
Project Euler: Problem 1 (Possible refactorings and run time optimizations) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3374622/project-euler-problem-1-possible-refactorings-and-run-time-optimizations 3 0 counter 5 0 It will be great to get some ideas on alternate implementations with less verbosity cleaner syntax and better..
Memcached with Windows and .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/351635/memcached-with-windows-and-net that is good to use with c# and .net 3.5 I've found many alternate such as Memcached Providers @ Codeplex Beitmemcached and memcached..
Use XML includes or config references in app.config to include other config files' settings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/480538/use-xml-includes-or-config-references-in-app-config-to-include-other-config-file element of any ConfigurationSection you can specify an alternate external source from which the configuration settings will be..
Email messages going to spam folder http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5042309/email-messages-going-to-spam-folder providing text html . You minimally need to include an alternate view with text plain . message.IsBodyHtml true string html RegisterMessageBodyHtml..
NTFS Alternate Data Streams - .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/604960/ntfs-alternate-data-streams-net Streams .NET How would I create delete read write NTFS alternate data streams from .NET If there is no native .NET support which.. use them as I don't think this is documented c# .net ntfs alternate data stream share improve this question Not in .NET http..
Performance issue: comparing to String.Format http://stackoverflow.com/questions/761121/performance-issue-comparing-to-string-format if fi.justify pad 0 sb.Append ' ' pad return sb.ToString alternate implementation for comparative testing my own test call String.Format..
Why is it a bad idea to use Session to store state in high traffic websites? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/769338/why-is-it-a-bad-idea-to-use-session-to-store-state-in-high-traffic-websites a more sophisticated method. I am just wondering what alternate method s is he hinting at And why is session a bad choice for..
Populate WinForms TreeView from DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/805457/populate-winforms-treeview-from-datatable 2 0 firstColor secondColor if childNode.Nodes.Count 0 alternate colors for the next node if nextColor firstColor ColorNodes.. completed nodes. if doneNotes.Contains doneNoteID This alternate method using the Find method uses a Predicate generic delegate... 2 0 firstColor secondColor if childNode.Nodes.Count 0 alternate colors for the next node if nextColor firstColor ColorNodes..
request exceeds the configured maxQueryStringLength when using [Authorize] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8159321/request-exceeds-the-configured-maxquerystringlength-when-using-authorize due to it having to use the reportviewer control the alternate action is to save some parameters in this case it passes to..
Programmatically apply / deactivate breakpoints in visual studio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/841782/programmatically-apply-deactivate-breakpoints-in-visual-studio For some reason it seems to put the breakpoint into some alternate space . Once the initial debugging session is over you don't..
Repository and Data Mapper pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8844105/repository-and-data-mapper-pattern that access the database. For instance I'd suggest this alternate version of ExecuteReader public override IDataReader ExecuteReader..
Formatting Numbers by padding with leading zeros in SQL Server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9520661/formatting-numbers-by-padding-with-leading-zeros-in-sql-server int badgeNum return string.Format 0 000000 badgeNum alternate return string.Format 0 d6 badgeNum How would I modify this simple..
An obvious singleton implementation for .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/953259/an-obvious-singleton-implementation-for-net if once . It's trivial but irritating. So I thought of an alternate solution at least for .NET although it should work anywhere..
Why is OfType<> faster than Cast<>? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11430570/why-is-oftype-faster-than-cast Perform each operation multiple times not just once. Alternate the order in case this makes a difference. On my machine this..
How to calculate the IP range when the IP address and the netmask is given? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1470792/how-to-calculate-the-ip-range-when-the-ip-address-and-the-netmask-is-given
C# Can I Override with derived types? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/157119/c-sharp-can-i-override-with-derived-types
Unique file identifier in windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1866454/unique-file-identifier-in-windows that NTFS is used you may also want to consider using Alternate Data Streams to store the metadata. share improve this answer..
A super-simple MVVM-Light WP7 sample? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3655422/a-super-simple-mvvm-light-wp7-sample TIMER_INTERVAL private static void TimerCB object state Alternate between on and off OnOffSwitchClass state .PowerState OnOffSwitchClass..
Reactive Extensions for .NET (Rx): Take action once all events are completed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3867858/reactive-extensions-for-net-rx-take-action-once-all-events-are-completed cc1 kp Done. var plan2 keyPress.And keyPress1 .Then kp kp1 Alternate done. var join Observable.When plan1 plan2 share improve this..
Entity Framework: Alternate solution to using non primary unique keys in an association http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3992236/entity-framework-alternate-solution-to-using-non-primary-unique-keys-in-an-asso Framework Alternate solution to using non primary unique keys in an association..
Does the Garbage Collector destroy temporarily unreferenced objects during async calls in .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/421547/does-the-garbage-collector-destroy-temporarily-unreferenced-objects-during-async IAsyncResult AsyncResult Do Something.. Alternate version with the request being passed as an AsyncState using..
NTFS Alternate Data Streams - .NET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/604960/ntfs-alternate-data-streams-net Alternate Data Streams .NET How would I create delete read write NTFS..
Breadth First Vs Depth First http://stackoverflow.com/questions/687731/breadth-first-vs-depth-first the payload Node Foreach child of Node ProcessNode child Alternate time to work on the payload Node see below The recursion ends.. is fairly natural in the recursive implementation use the Alternate time line above instead of the first Work line and not too hard..
Using Extension Methods with .NET Framework 2.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/783155/using-extension-methods-with-net-framework-2-0 but it would better just to upgrade your framework to 3.5. Alternate Sources 1 2 . In short from link #2 Extension methods are just..
Populate WinForms TreeView from DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/805457/populate-winforms-treeview-from-datatable partial class TreeViewColor Form private DataTable dt Alternate way of maintaining a list of nodes that have already been added...