c# Programming Glossary: annoying
C#: TreeView owner drawing with ownerdrawtext and the weird black highlighting when clicking on a node http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1003459/c-treeview-owner-drawing-with-ownerdrawtext-and-the-weird-black-highlighting-w button is released but does get drawn and blinks...it's annoying. Apparently I forgot to actually ask my question...How would..
Don't stop debugger at THAT exception when it's thrown and caught http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1420390/dont-stop-debugger-at-that-exception-when-its-thrown-and-caught to fire. I suppose you can isolate the code that fires the annoying exception in a method and decorate it with the attribute. share..
How to avoid Outlook security alert when reading outlook message from C# program http://stackoverflow.com/questions/235231/how-to-avoid-outlook-security-alert-when-reading-outlook-message-from-c-sharp-pr share improve this question Sorry I have had that annoying issue in both Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 add ins and the..
HttpWebRequest is extremely slow! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2519655/httpwebrequest-is-extremely-slow to query before returning the response. It is a little annoying that this property is set on by default for the HttpWebRequest..
Log4net - how to disable creation of empty log file on app start http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2533403/log4net-how-to-disable-creation-of-empty-log-file-on-app-start in my app successfully but one thing is a little bit annoying for me. The log file is created empty after my app start even..
Extension methods syntax vs query syntax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/279701/extension-methods-syntax-vs-query-syntax takes in a user and integer and returns boolean. Kind of annoying for this example. Now if you look at the Linq query var completeList..
C# (.NET) Design Flaws [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/411906/c-sharp-net-design-flaws and effect systems for how this can be done fix various annoying corner cases in generic method overload resolution for instance..
'Delegate 'System.Action' does not take 0 arguments.' Is this a C# compiler bug (lambdas + two projects)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4466859/delegate-system-action-does-not-take-0-arguments-is-this-a-c-sharp-compiler upon a C# compiler bug here Note that this is a pretty annoying bug for someone who likes using lambdas a lot and is trying..
How to open in default browser in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4580263/how-to-open-in-default-browser-in-c-sharp a setting not correct on my computer EDIT This is really annoying. I am already aware that the browser is IE but I had it working..
C# naming convention for enum and matching property http://stackoverflow.com/questions/495051/c-sharp-naming-convention-for-enum-and-matching-property in Windows.Forms namespace aren't nested and it makes it annoying to use for the developer consuming your API having to prefix..
Algorithm for simplifying decimal to fractions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5124743/algorithm-for-simplifying-decimal-to-fractions long or wouldn't work in some cases. What was even more annoying was that they didn't work for recurring decimals. I was wondering..
Use of Application.DoEvents() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5181777/use-of-application-doevents did when you tested your code. It makes dialogs extremely annoying who doesn't hate having a dialog active and not being able to..
Why is there no Linq method to return distinct values by a predicate? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/520030/why-is-there-no-linq-method-to-return-distinct-values-by-a-predicate c# linq distinct share improve this question It's annoying certainly. It's also part of my MoreLINQ project which I must..
Are floating-point numbers consistent in C#? Can they be? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6683059/are-floating-point-numbers-consistent-in-c-can-they-be implementation the very small range of values makes it annoying to use. You have to be careful at all times so you neither overflow..
Best way to tackle global hotkey processing in c#? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/81150/best-way-to-tackle-global-hotkey-processing-in-c for one g.hotkey or solutions that while running create annoying mouse delays on the screen . Does anyone here know of a resource..
Winforms: SuspendLayout/ResumeLayout is not enough? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835100/winforms-suspendlayout-resumelayout-is-not-enough form. On form load you see the buttons drawing which is annoying. I'm pretty sure that our buttons are not the fastest thing..
How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/869744/how-to-write-a-scalable-tcp-ip-based-server called at any one time. There used to be a very annoying .net bug around this which was years ago so I don't recall the..
How can I detect the encoding/codepage of a text file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/90838/how-can-i-detect-the-encoding-codepage-of-a-text-file is what they know about codepages Codepages exist and are annoying. Solution Open the received file in Notepad look at a garbled..
Changing the user agent of the WebBrowser control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/937573/changing-the-user-agent-of-the-webbrowser-control I stays set to the first changed value. This is quite annoying and I've tried everything but it just won't change more than..
WPF WebBrowser (3.5 SP1) Always on top - other suggestion to display HTML in WPF http://stackoverflow.com/questions/980334/wpf-webbrowser-3-5-sp1-always-on-top-other-suggestion-to-display-html-in-wpf is always on top of other WPF control. This is very annoying and I have tried to work around it by creating a WindowsFormsHost..