c# Programming Glossary: alt
Block Control+Alt+Delete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1660106/block-controlaltdelete running on Windows XP. I need to block the control alt delete key combination to prevent students from minimizing closing.. Action Sequence event. The main logon request is the ctrl alt delete response. The standard gina.dll invokes the logon screen.. of the logon process. It is still possible to disable ctrl alt delete in Vista Win7 but it requires a different mechanism there..
How to start WinForm app minimized to tray? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1730731/how-to-start-winform-app-minimized-to-tray it is successfully hidden from the desktop taskbar and alt tab. The problem occurs when trying to start with the app minimized... the app would be minimized but would still appear in the alt tab dialog. Changing the FormBorderStyle to one of the ToolWindow..
How can I use the button tag with ASP.NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/187482/how-can-i-use-the-button-tag-with-asp-net need to implement your own event handlers for OnCommand although if you want to learn how to do that I can show you how.. Text Purplemonkeydishwasher img src .. someUrl img.gif alt img asp Label ID Label1 runat server Text Login uc ModernButton.. Adding ViewState support shouldn't be terribly hard to do although if needed that can easily be added. share improve this..
Enumerate windows like alt-tab does http://stackoverflow.com/questions/210504/enumerate-windows-like-alt-tab-does windows like alt tab does I'm creating an alt tab replacement for Vista but.. windows like alt tab does I'm creating an alt tab replacement for Vista but I have some problems listing all.. this list somehow but I can't manage to do it exactly as alt tab does. This is the code I use to filter the list right now...
Set global hotkeys using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2450373/set-global-hotkeys-using-c-sharp KeyPressedEventArgs hook_KeyPressed register the control alt F12 combination as hot key. hook.RegisterHotKey ModifierKeys.Control..
Login to the page with HttpWebRequest http://stackoverflow.com/questions/450380/login-to-the-page-with-httpwebrequest tr th colspan 2 input class dugmic type image id prijava1 alt Prijava src web 2007 dugmici posalji_1.jpg onmouseover ChangeImage..
Deserializing JSON using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4521239/deserializing-json-using-c-sharp u003d safe cx u003d cx cref u003d cref sort u003d sort alt u003djson queries nextPage title Google Custom Search lectures.. its value. This means there can be more than one item although in your case there is just one item. So this property in..
Deserializing JSON when sometimes array and sometimes object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5224697/deserializing-json-when-sometimes-array-and-sometimes-object media href http www.facebook.com photo.php fbid 12345 alt type photo src http photos b.ak.fbcdn.net hphotos ak ash1..
How to find control in TemplateField of GridView? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6873973/how-to-find-control-in-templatefield-of-gridview ShowChildGrid 'div # Eval ID# ' img id imgdiv # Eval ID# alt Click border 0 src plus.gif runat server a asp HyperLink runat.. 'div1 # Eval ID# ' img id imgdiv1 # Eval ID# alt Click here border 0 src tempY.png a ItemTemplate asp TemplateField.. string.Empty e.Row.Cells 1 .Text a href '' img id '13' alt 'Click' border '0' src 'plus.gif' a string js string.Format..
How can I intercept all key events, including ctrl+alt+del and ctrl+tab? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/886076/how-can-i-intercept-all-key-events-including-ctrlaltdel-and-ctrltab can I intercept all key events including ctrl alt del and ctrl tab I'm writing a screen saver type app that needs.. what Shog9 said if your application could intercept ctrl alt del then your application would be able to pretend to be the..
XmlSerializer giving FileNotFoundException at constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1127431/xmlserializer-giving-filenotfoundexception-at-constructor In Visual Studio go to Debug Exceptions or press Ctrl Alt E Common Language Runtime Exceptions System.IO System.IO.FileNotFoundException..
Blocking shortcut keys using c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1175675/blocking-shortcut-keys-using-c-sharp keys using c# I am using the below code to disable the Alt Tab Alt Esc Ctrl Esc and Windows Key but somehow it is not working... using c# I am using the below code to disable the Alt Tab Alt Esc Ctrl Esc and Windows Key but somehow it is not working... switch wParam case 256 case 257 case 260 case 261 Alt Tab Alt Esc Ctrl Esc Windows Key if lParam.vkCode 9 lParam.flags..
Using global keyboard hook (WH_KEYBOARD_LL) in WPF / C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1639331/using-global-keyboard-hook-wh-keyboard-ll-in-wpf-c-sharp some reason want to intercept system keys creating e.g. Alt Tab replacement and preventing windows of handling them you..
Block Control+Alt+Delete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1660106/block-controlaltdelete Control Alt Delete I'm doing an Online Quiz project in C#. The test client..
How to disable “Security Alert” window in Webbrowser control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/178578/how-to-disable-security-alert-window-in-webbrowser-control I have to find this window by title and send it Alt Y to press Yes int iHandle NativeWin32.FindWindow null Security..
How do I raise an event via reflection in .NET/C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/198543/how-do-i-raise-an-event-via-reflection-in-net-c ButtonEdit control . I want to make a particular keystroke Alt Down emulate clicking the button. In order to avoid writing..
Enumerate windows like alt-tab does http://stackoverflow.com/questions/210504/enumerate-windows-like-alt-tab-does with Flip and Flip3D I'm just talking about the Classic Alt Tab window here. For each visible window walk up its owner chain.. back to where you're started then put the window in the Alt Tab list. In pseudo code BOOL IsAltTabWindow HWND hwnd Start.. put the window in the Alt Tab list. In pseudo code BOOL IsAltTabWindow HWND hwnd Start at the root owner HWND hwndWalk GetAncestor..
Set global hotkeys using C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2450373/set-global-hotkeys-using-c-sharp a key press when my program is not in focus. ie. Ctrl Alt J and trigger an event in my program. Thus far i have found.. modifiers. summary Flags public enum ModifierKeys uint Alt 1 Control 2 Shift 4 Win 8 to use i had to edit the modifier.. key. hook.RegisterHotKey ModifierKeys.Control ModifierKeys.Alt Keys.F12 void hook_KeyPressed object sender KeyPressedEventArgs..
Change Keyboard Layout for Other Process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/263276/change-keyboard-layout-for-other-process define a separate key combination for every layout such as Alt Shift 1 etc and use SendInput to switch between them. The circumstances..
Global hotkey in console application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3654787/global-hotkey-in-console-application param 0x0000ffff Flags public enum KeyModifiers Alt 1 Control 2 Shift 4 Windows 8 NoRepeat 0x4000 Here is an example.. args HotKeyManager.RegisterHotKey Keys.A KeyModifiers.Alt HotKeyManager.HotKeyPressed new EventHandler HotKeyEventArgs..
DataGridView keydown event not working in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4284370/datagridview-keydown-event-not-working-in-c-sharp I am editing text inside a cell. I am assigning shortcut Alt S to save the data it works when cell is not in edit mode but.. object sender KeyEventArgs e if e.KeyData Keys.Alt Keys.S save data c# .net winforms datagridview keydown .. msg System.Windows.Forms.Keys keyData if keyData Keys.Alt Keys.S Save data return base.ProcessCmdKey msg keyData Also..
How can I prevent a user from closing my C# application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4655810/how-can-i-prevent-a-user-from-closing-my-c-sharp-application close box the close icon in the system window menu and the Alt F4 keystroke this is relatively straightforward. You'll need..
What is your favorite use of Resharper? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/76499/what-is-your-favorite-use-of-resharper Features Ctrl N Goto Type same Ctrl F12 Goto file member Alt in VS bindings Ctrl U Goto Base Alt Home in VS bindings Ctrl.. F12 Goto file member Alt in VS bindings Ctrl U Goto Base Alt Home in VS bindings Ctrl Alt B Goto Inheritor Refactoring features.. VS bindings Ctrl U Goto Base Alt Home in VS bindings Ctrl Alt B Goto Inheritor Refactoring features Ctrl Shift R Refactor..
How can I intercept all key events, including ctrl+alt+del and ctrl+tab? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/886076/how-can-i-intercept-all-key-events-including-ctrlaltdel-and-ctrltab an application which prevents the user from pressing Ctrl Alt Del. If you want to stop the user from accessing the system.. protect the system as if the user had pressed Ctrl Alt Del and then selected Lock this computer . To unlock the computer.. To unlock the computer they would then need to press Ctrl Alt Del and enter their credentials into WinLogon. However ignoring..
Sending Windows key using SendKeys http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10366152/sending-windows-key-using-sendkeys to specifically send the key to the application such as ALT F4 in which case use the Form library method. In others you.. To specify that any combination of SHIFT CTRL and ALT should be held down while several other keys are pressed enclose..
Transparent window layer that is click-through and always stays on top http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11077236/transparent-window-layer-that-is-click-through-and-always-stays-on-top have to alt tab around to visual studio to quickly press ALT F5 and end the debug so at least the always on top and transparency..
Sending right ALT+C with PostMessage http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11384669/sending-right-altc-with-postmessage right ALT C with PostMessage I trying to send in my application right..
Drag and Drop between Instances of the same Windows Forms Application http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1201812/drag-and-drop-between-instances-of-the-same-windows-forms-application object sender DragEventArgs dea if dea.KeyState 32 32 ALT is pressed dea.Effect DragDropEffects.Link else if dea.KeyState..
Detect if any key is pressed in C# (not A, B, but any) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1752494/detect-if-any-key-is-pressed-in-c-sharp-not-a-b-but-any It is suffient for my case where I want to check that ALT and ALT A are not the same thereby making sure A is not pressed.. is suffient for my case where I want to check that ALT and ALT A are not the same thereby making sure A is not pressed . Not.. to define simple triggers like e.g. Run this function if ALT A B is pressed. Another option is e.g. Run this function if..
Change Keyboard Layout for Other Process http://stackoverflow.com/questions/263276/change-keyboard-layout-for-other-process in the active window. Windows only supports CTRL SHIFT ALT SHIFT I'm using RegisterHotKey to catch the hotkey it's working..
C# - Get list of open tasks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/310456/c-sharp-get-list-of-open-tasks possible get the thumbnail images that Vista uses for the ALT TAB menu like in this image I assume that I will have to use..
How to make a “system modal dialog” in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3999998/how-to-make-a-system-modal-dialog-in-c .Close This is a much less rude approach as the user can ALT TAB out of the modal window etc. share improve this answer..
arabic text box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4008390/arabic-text-box write in arabic i means move the cursor directly without ALT SHIFT keys every time when try to change the language...if there..
Register hotkeys in .NET - combination of three/four keys http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4752204/register-hotkeys-in-net-combination-of-three-four-keys hotkeys as the same combination for example A B C D ALT SHIFT B CTRL ALT SHIFT X edit I found out like Zooba said how.. the same combination for example A B C D ALT SHIFT B CTRL ALT SHIFT X edit I found out like Zooba said how to decrypt which..
Create an On-screen Keyboard http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4944621/create-an-on-screen-keyboard keystrokes to a specific window using your keyboard is to ALT TAB to the right window. If you want to send keystrokes to a..
PostMessage WM_KEYDOWN send multiply keys? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7732633/postmessage-wm-keydown-send-multiply-keys 0 This code sents the Right Arrow key i want to sent ALT CTRL RIGHT i tried this public static void Forward Process.. 0 PostMessage proc.MainWindowHandle WM_KEYDOWN VK_ALT 0 PostMessage proc.MainWindowHandle WM_KEYDOWN VK_RIGHT 0 But..