android Programming Glossary: wiping
Programmatically clear browser cache/history so that it will behave properly across all browsers. Third wiping the user's entire history and searches to satisfy your requirements.. rather unprofessional. How would you like some desktop app wiping out your desktop browser's history and searches Fourth you cannot..
Can't get geo fixes to Android emulator in the correct emulator changing the locale to English US wiping the user data in the emulator used both telnet geo fix command..
Copy the shared preferences XML file from /data on Samsung device failed a user switched from a Samsung rom to a custom rom without wiping as the dbdata databases file might be unused but still exist...
INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT error when trying to install application my physical device in this tab. Perhaps I'm not actually wiping user data from the Xoom Uninstalling the app from my device..
How to wipe Android device when device admin is deactivated? clear the top most disable device admin screen. Instead of wiping you could always do resetPassword new password and then lockNow..
HTC's “fast boot” is not broadcasting BOOT_COMPLETED intent nor wiping intents from alarm manager boot&rdquo is not broadcasting BOOT_COMPLETED intent nor wiping intents from alarm manager I am making an alarm app but have.. off although this is how users perceive it it is not wiping my intents from the alarm manager making all my alarms go off..
Programmatically clear browser cache/history proper cache control headers . I'd try to fix it there so that it will behave properly across all browsers. Third wiping the user's entire history and searches to satisfy your requirements is rather unprofessional. How would you like some desktop.. entire history and searches to satisfy your requirements is rather unprofessional. How would you like some desktop app wiping out your desktop browser's history and searches Fourth you cannot clear the browser's cache programmatically. share improve..
Can't get geo fixes to Android emulator tried targeting different platforms setting the time zone in the correct emulator changing the locale to English US wiping the user data in the emulator used both telnet geo fix command and the DDMS. How can I make this work android gps emulator..
Copy the shared preferences XML file from /data on Samsung device failed though that this method could potentially have problems if a user switched from a Samsung rom to a custom rom without wiping as the dbdata databases file might be unused but still exist. More details On some Samsung devices such as the Galaxy S..
INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT error when trying to install application Target menu. Though I can only see emulators and not my physical device in this tab. Perhaps I'm not actually wiping user data from the Xoom Uninstalling the app from my device before trying to reinstall Restarting the device multiple times..
How to wipe Android device when device admin is deactivated? in the hopes it will start the initial settings page and clear the top most disable device admin screen. Instead of wiping you could always do resetPassword new password and then lockNow . If it's a security related app then the person's device..
HTC's “fast boot” is not broadcasting BOOT_COMPLETED intent nor wiping intents from alarm manager &ldquo fast boot&rdquo is not broadcasting BOOT_COMPLETED intent nor wiping intents from alarm manager I am making an alarm app but have run into a bit of a problem regarding HTC's fast boot feature... problem this gives me is that because the phone is not turning off although this is how users perceive it it is not wiping my intents from the alarm manager making all my alarms go off directly the user turns his phone back on if alarms have expired..