

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:26:26

android Programming Glossary: this.madapter

Crash in ListView at AbsListView.obtainView for ListActivity


Cursor cursor cr.query TrackHeader.CONTENT_URI sTrackListProjection null null null startManagingCursor cursor this.mAdapter new TrackHeaderDataAdapter this R.layout.track_list_item cursor sTrackListProjection null setListAdapter mAdapter Handler..

How to change the Spinner font color?


view Then you create adapter in your code like this String spin_arry getResources .getStringArray R.array.Planets this.mAdapter new CustomArrayAdapter CharSequence this spin_arry Explanation Because CustomArrayAdapter knows that we use android's built..

How to wrap lengthy text in a spinner


to show the item in the list. In your code you probably have place where you create adapter to use it with Spinner this.mAdapter ArrayAdapter.createFromResource this R.array.Planets android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item The idea is to copy.. it has singleLine set to false now. Step 3. Creating Adapter with custom layout Modify your adapter creating code to this.mAdapter ArrayAdapter.createFromResource this R.array.Planets R.layout.multiline_spinner_dropdown_item Here is screenshot from modified..

ViewPager Activity to notify a Fragment of a specific event


savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.chat_window_pager this.mViewPager ViewPager findViewById R.id.chatPager this.mAdapter new ChatFragmentAdapter getSupportFragmentManager this.mViewPager.setAdapter this.mAdapter . . . class ChatFragmentAdapter.. findViewById R.id.chatPager this.mAdapter new ChatFragmentAdapter getSupportFragmentManager this.mViewPager.setAdapter this.mAdapter . . . class ChatFragmentAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter implements ViewProvider public ChatFragmentAdapter final FragmentManager..