android Programming Glossary: subactivity
How to pass the values from one activity to previous activity on one Activity within another requires three steps. Launch the secondary Activity your 'Edit Text' Activity as a subactivity by using startActivityForResult from your main Activity. Intent i new Intent this TextEntryActivity.class startActivityForResult.. Activity. Intent i new Intent this TextEntryActivity.class startActivityForResult i STATIC_INTEGER_VALUE Within the subactivity rather than just closing the Activity when a user clicks the button you need to create a new Intent and include the entered..
Android: Capturing the return of an activity on one Activity within another requires three steps. Launch the secondary Activity your 'camera Activity' as a subactivity by using startActivityForResult instead of startActivity . Intent i new Intent this CameraActivity.class startActivityForResult.. startActivity . Intent i new Intent this CameraActivity.class startActivityForResult i STATIC_INTEGER_VALUE Within the subactivity camera Activity rather than just closing the Activity when a user clicks the different tab image you need to create a new..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission if you look into PackageInstallerActivity and its method onClickListener public void onClick View v if v mOk Start subactivity to actually install the application Intent newIntent new Intent ... newIntent.setClass this InstallAppProgress.class .....
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity been googling most of yesterday and last nite and just can't seem to wrap my head around how to pass an arraylist to a subactivity. There are tons of examples and snippets passing primitive data types but what I have is an arraylist of type address Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Log.d TAG onCreate in subActivity setContentView R.layout.subactivity TextView tv1 TextView findViewById myList getIntent .getParcelableArrayListExtra mylist Log.d TAG got myList..