android Programming Glossary: style.xml
'Failed to find style mapViewStyle' error persists and the android sdk cleaning the project creating a style.xml file and referencing it deploying on a actual device reverting..
Style android spinner center android prompt @string country_prompt In my values style.xml. If I change the color of the background here the background..
android:actionBarStyle requires API level 11 folders for the selected api level and create new style.xml themes.xml files in these folders. For example res values styles.xml..
Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support it actually imported correctly. I even tried bypassing the style.xml file and adding @style Theme.AppCompat.Light directly in to.. error. Below is the error I am receiving followed by the style.xml file I changed to use the new theme. I am moderate experience.. ActBarTest res values line 3 Android AAPT Problem style.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name Theme.ProsoftStudio.ACTest..
Android how to make button text bold when pressed or focussed share improve this question You could create your own style.xml in which you define the text style. In your selector you can.. style. In your selector you can reference to the style. style.xml style name myStyle item name android textSize 9px item item..
Activity should be transparent, but has black background for writing a transparent theme. So my res values style.xml looks like this resources style name Theme parent android Theme..
Android Custom PopupWindow/Dialog y being see below . In your res values style.xml you need to override the default DialogWindow style. I tried..
Transparent Background to the required activity. Create a new style in res values style.xml resources style name Transparent item name android windowIsTranslucent..
How to change a TextView's style at runtime question I did this by creating a new XML file called style.xml as follows xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name..
How can I add separating lines between my TableRows that are created programmatically? from XML I used a View as a separator style with a style.xml. I tried adding a View to the tablelayout like so View v new..
How to get shadow on android linear layout? [duplicate] android angle 270 corners android radius 10dp shape style.xml style name LinearLayoutRoundCorners item name android layout_width..
android : how to change the style of edit text? to define your style you have to create a file called style.xml in the values folder and use the following syntax style name..
'Failed to find style mapViewStyle' error persists placing the mapview element within a layout reinstalling eclipse and the android sdk cleaning the project creating a style.xml file and referencing it deploying on a actual device reverting back to previous code and possibly more... My code is as..
Style android spinner 1 android entries @array edit_countryArray android gravity center android prompt @string country_prompt In my values style.xml. If I change the color of the background here the background in the dialog do change but all the rest of the backgrounds..
android:actionBarStyle requires API level 11 to look the same in all API levels you need to create different folders for the selected api level and create new style.xml themes.xml files in these folders. For example res values styles.xml themes.xml API LEVEL 8 values v11 styles.xml themes.xml..
Can't Find Theme.AppCompat.Light for New Android ActionBar Support No error occurs saying the class could not be loaded and it actually imported correctly. I even tried bypassing the style.xml file and adding @style Theme.AppCompat.Light directly in to the AndroidManifest.xml for both application and activity with.. to change the theme let alone even build without throwing an error. Below is the error I am receiving followed by the style.xml file I changed to use the new theme. I am moderate experience working with Android apps and am running Eclipse with the.. matches the given name '@style Theme.AppCompat.Light'. styles.xml ActBarTest res values line 3 Android AAPT Problem style.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name Theme.ProsoftStudio.ACTest parent @style Theme.AppCompat.Light style..
Android how to make button text bold when pressed or focussed else btn_reset.setTypeface null Typeface.NORMAL android share improve this question You could create your own style.xml in which you define the text style. In your selector you can reference to the style. style.xml style name myStyle item name.. could create your own style.xml in which you define the text style. In your selector you can reference to the style. style.xml style name myStyle item name android textSize 9px item item name android gravity center_horizontal item item name android..
Activity should be transparent, but has black background preview. I followed the instructions from a couple of tutorials for writing a transparent theme. So my res values style.xml looks like this resources style name Theme parent android Theme style name Theme.Transparent item name android windowBackground..
Android Custom PopupWindow/Dialog call setContentView x y with x being your R.layout and y being see below . In your res values style.xml you need to override the default DialogWindow style. I tried just making a style that has this one as its parent but that..
Transparent Background improve this question You could apply a transparent theme to the required activity. Create a new style in res values style.xml resources style name Transparent item name android windowIsTranslucent true item item name android windowAnimationStyle..
How to change a TextView's style at runtime it does not work. java android textview share improve this question I did this by creating a new XML file called style.xml as follows xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name boldText item name android textStyle bold italic item item..
How can I add separating lines between my TableRows that are created programmatically? the TableRows. In my other TableLayout that I created statically from XML I used a View as a separator style with a style.xml. I tried adding a View to the tablelayout like so View v new View this v.setLayoutParams new LayoutParams LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT..
How to get shadow on android linear layout? [duplicate] gradient android startColor #E2FFFFFF android endColor #E2D0E3E5 android angle 270 corners android radius 10dp shape style.xml style name LinearLayoutRoundCorners item name android layout_width fill_parent item item name android layout_height wrap_content..
android : how to change the style of edit text? style @style your_style that is defined for any widget. to define your style you have to create a file called style.xml in the values folder and use the following syntax style name You.EditText.Style parent @android style Widget.EditText item..