android Programming Glossary: page's
How can I prevent wild scrolling when a fixed position text input form field gains focus? showing the dialog and then removing it again when hiding the dialog. This has a nasty side effect of resetting the page's scroll position so I save it and restore it as necessary and wrap all this hackery in conditionals so it only runs on Android...
consuming web service from android eclipse using edittext and button Here my need is to get the input from the user by edittext box on page one and display appropriate texts on second page's textbox exactly what the above web service is going to invoke display according to the user's input.These things must want..
Change title bar text in Android my home page could say page1 in the title bar while another activity that the app switches to could have page2 in that page's title bar. android titlebar android titlebar custom titlebar share improve this question Update Latest ActionBar Title..
android taking screenshot of offscreen page in taking the screenshot of page A by saving the drawing cache in to a bitmap but struggling to take the offscreen page's screenshot. android activity screenshot off screen share improve this question Yes it is possible...You should extend..
How to change default color of progress bar? I am using a circular ProgressBar in my Activty.My Problem is this it is not visible properly on my page because my page's BG color is same as ProgressBar .So how can I change the color of ProgressBar to make it properly Visible Please Help android..
Android - Can View Pager have multiple views in per page? this dimension in my dimens.xml dimen name viewpager_margin 64dp dimen To compensate for overlapping pages each page's content view has the opposite margin android layout_marginLeft @dimen viewpager_margin_fix android layout_marginRight @dimen..