android Programming Glossary: outputfile
Copy Database from assets folder in unrooted device outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length
copy database from assets to databases folder [duplicate] .open DB_NAME transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile myOutput new FileOutputStream DB_PATH DB_NAME while length
How to use my own sqlite database? dbFile transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length
Android: Accessing assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension datbasename .sqlite transfer byte to inputfile to outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length
What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed] outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length
missing table in SQLite with specific version of HTC DESIRE HD outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length
DDMS file explorer can't access data\data (HTC Desire HD) outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer..
adding your own SQLite database to an android application datbasename .sqlite transfer byte to inputfile to outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length
Database not copying from assets outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length databases BLib.sqlite transfer byte to inputfile to outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length
onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length
Access the phone internal storage to push in SQLite database file outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length
How to initialize sqlite database once from a helper class in Android outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length
how to display SQLite DataBase table? databases slider.db transfer byte to inputfile to outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length
Why is onUpgrade() not being invoked on Android sqlite database? outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 2048 int length while length
Steps to create APK expansion file new File outputDir entry.getName return File outputFile new File outputDir entry.getName if outputFile.getParentFile.. File outputFile new File outputDir entry.getName if outputFile.getParentFile .exists createDirectory outputFile.getParentFile.. if outputFile.getParentFile .exists createDirectory outputFile.getParentFile Log.d control ZipHelper.unzipEntry Extracting..
Download a file programatically on Android a given URL to a given File object. The File object outputFile has just been created using new File path I haven't called createNewFile.. anything. private static void downloadFile String url File outputFile try URL u new URL url URLConnection conn u.openConnection int.. fos new DataOutputStream new FileOutputStream outputFile fos.write buffer fos.flush fos.close catch FileNotFoundException..
How to create directory automatically on SD card create a File object for the output file File outputFile new File wallpaperDirectory filename now attach the OutputStream.. representation FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream outputFile Note It might be wise to use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory..
Creating temporary files in Android context being the Activity pointer File outputFile File.createTempFile prefix extension outputDir As for their..
Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate] download File file new File PATH file.mkdirs File outputFile new File file app.apk FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream.. file app.apk FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream outputFile InputStream is c.getInputStream byte buffer new byte 1024 int..
Android - Unzip a folder? createDir new File outputDir entry.getName return File outputFile new File outputDir entry.getName if outputFile.getParentFile.. File outputFile new File outputDir entry.getName if outputFile.getParentFile .exists createDir outputFile.getParentFile .. if outputFile.getParentFile .exists createDir outputFile.getParentFile Log.v TAG Extracting entry BufferedInputStream..
How to convert the WAV/OGG file to FLAC file in Android? @param inputFile Input wav file to encode. @param outputFile Output file to write FLAC stream to. If file exists it will.. for encode public Status encode File inputFile File outputFile Status status Status.FULL_ENCODE this.outFile outputFile.. Status status Status.FULL_ENCODE this.outFile outputFile take file and initial configuration. open file AudioInputStream..
Copy Database from assets folder in unrooted device as the output stream OutputStream myOutput new FileOutputStream outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams..
DB File in Assets Folder. Will it be Updated? as the output stream OutputStream myOutput new FileOutputStream outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams..
copy database from assets to databases folder [duplicate] InputStream myInput null try myInput myContext.getAssets .open DB_NAME transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile myOutput new FileOutputStream DB_PATH DB_NAME while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length myOutput.close..
How to use my own sqlite database? db as the output stream OutputStream myOutput new FileOutputStream dbFile transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams..
Android: Accessing assets folder sqlite database file with .sqlite extension myoutput new FileOutputStream data data packagename databases datbasename .sqlite transfer byte to inputfile to outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myoutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams..
What is a Full Android Database Helper class for an existing SQLite database? [closed] as the output stream OutputStream myOutput new FileOutputStream outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams..
missing table in SQLite with specific version of HTC DESIRE HD as the output stream OutputStream myOutput new FileOutputStream outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 1 if length 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close..
DDMS file explorer can't access data\data (HTC Desire HD) db as the output stream OutputStream output new FileOutputStream outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 output.write buffer 0 length Close the streams output.flush..
adding your own SQLite database to an android application myoutput new FileOutputStream data data packagename databases datbasename .sqlite transfer byte to inputfile to outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myoutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams..
Database not copying from assets as the output stream OutputStream myOutput new FileOutputStream outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams.. OutputStream myoutput new FileOutputStream data data gr.peos databases BLib.sqlite transfer byte to inputfile to outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myoutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams..
onUpgrade database - oldVersion - newVersion as the output stream OutputStream myOutput new FileOutputStream outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams..
Access the phone internal storage to push in SQLite database file database_file_name OutputStream myOutput new FileOutputStream outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams..
How to initialize sqlite database once from a helper class in Android as the output stream OutputStream myOutput new FileOutputStream outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams..
how to display SQLite DataBase table? OutputStream myoutput new FileOutputStream data data databases slider.db transfer byte to inputfile to outputfile byte buffer new byte 1024 int length while length buffer 0 myoutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams..
Why is onUpgrade() not being invoked on Android sqlite database? as the output stream OutputStream myOutput new FileOutputStream outFileName transfer bytes from the inputfile to the outputfile byte buffer new byte 2048 int length while length buffer 0 myOutput.write buffer 0 length Close the streams..
Steps to create APK expansion file outputDir throws IOException if entry.isDirectory createDirectory new File outputDir entry.getName return File outputFile new File outputDir entry.getName if outputFile.getParentFile .exists createDirectory outputFile.getParentFile Log.d control.. createDirectory new File outputDir entry.getName return File outputFile new File outputDir entry.getName if outputFile.getParentFile .exists createDirectory outputFile.getParentFile Log.d control ZipHelper.unzipEntry Extracting entry BufferedInputStream.. return File outputFile new File outputDir entry.getName if outputFile.getParentFile .exists createDirectory outputFile.getParentFile Log.d control ZipHelper.unzipEntry Extracting entry BufferedInputStream inputStream new BufferedInputStream..
Download a file programatically on Android this question This is some working code I have for downloading a given URL to a given File object. The File object outputFile has just been created using new File path I haven't called createNewFile or anything. private static void downloadFile String.. using new File path I haven't called createNewFile or anything. private static void downloadFile String url File outputFile try URL u new URL url URLConnection conn u.openConnection int contentLength conn.getContentLength DataInputStream stream.. byte contentLength stream.readFully buffer stream.close DataOutputStream fos new DataOutputStream new FileOutputStream outputFile fos.write buffer fos.flush fos.close catch FileNotFoundException e return swallow a 404 catch IOException e return swallow..
How to create directory automatically on SD card build the directory structure if needed. wallpaperDirectory.mkdirs create a File object for the output file File outputFile new File wallpaperDirectory filename now attach the OutputStream to the file object instead of a String representation FileOutputStream.. the OutputStream to the file object instead of a String representation FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream outputFile Note It might be wise to use Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory for getting the SD Card directory as this might change..
Creating temporary files in Android this question This is what I typically do File outputDir context.getCacheDir context being the Activity pointer File outputFile File.createTempFile prefix extension outputDir As for their deletion I am not complete sure either. Since I use this in..
Android: install .apk programmatically [duplicate] c.connect String PATH Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory download File file new File PATH file.mkdirs File outputFile new File file app.apk FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream outputFile InputStream is c.getInputStream byte buffer.. File file new File PATH file.mkdirs File outputFile new File file app.apk FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream outputFile InputStream is c.getInputStream byte buffer new byte 1024 int len1 0 while len1 buffer 1 fos.write buffer 0 len1..
Android - Unzip a folder? String outputDir throws IOException if entry.isDirectory createDir new File outputDir entry.getName return File outputFile new File outputDir entry.getName if outputFile.getParentFile .exists createDir outputFile.getParentFile Log.v TAG Extracting.. createDir new File outputDir entry.getName return File outputFile new File outputDir entry.getName if outputFile.getParentFile .exists createDir outputFile.getParentFile Log.v TAG Extracting entry BufferedInputStream inputStream new.. return File outputFile new File outputDir entry.getName if outputFile.getParentFile .exists createDir outputFile.getParentFile Log.v TAG Extracting entry BufferedInputStream inputStream new BufferedInputStream zipfile.getInputStream..
How to convert the WAV/OGG file to FLAC file in Android? Encode the given input wav file to an output file. @param inputFile Input wav file to encode. @param outputFile Output file to write FLAC stream to. If file exists it will be overwritten without prompting. @return Status flag.. will be overwritten without prompting. @return Status flag for encode public Status encode File inputFile File outputFile Status status Status.FULL_ENCODE this.outFile outputFile take file and initial configuration. open file AudioInputStream.. for encode public Status encode File inputFile File outputFile Status status Status.FULL_ENCODE this.outFile outputFile take file and initial configuration. open file AudioInputStream sin null AudioFormat format null File inputFile..